comin' round the mountain

Jul 06, 2007 03:45

Another year passed. We're back in Sanctuary now. I've been assigned training duties.


I'm so glad I don't remember being a child. I don't want to "empathise" with these evil little troglodytes. I'm only allowed to work with the younger kids, not the ones who have found their cosmos, because that way Geki and Misty and Bahn can watch me. I am not allowed to use any Death Queen Island training techniques.

I have a sunburn. THIS NEVER HAPPENS. It's because I have to be careful not to use my cosmo too much around the kids, or they'll get sick.

Summer is hell.

I want to go back to Canada.

On the bright side, I get to do some computer maintenance and programming now and then, mostly small things too unimportant to occupy Kanon or Aiakos. But, this also means I am working closely with the current AND former Aquarius Saints for part of each day.

I want to go back to Canada!

And my various side projects have been slowed down.

Have to go, Seiji and I are on making shaved ice/fruit stuff duty today.

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