Feb 21, 2005 20:43
Last night I stayed up til 5am to build a computer, as you would have seen if you read my journal, anyway I was having an issue getting windows started so I decided to quit and go to sleep. Today when I got up it took me 3 hours to find that there was no hardware issue, per say, like I had thought, infact it was my BIOS that needed to be returned to the default setting after I messed around with it. Now I have a new rig a gaming rig, kinda.
Current Spec:
- Athlon XP 2600+ (clocked around 1.91gHz) (maybe I should learn to overclock =) )
- nForce2 400 Ultra Motherboard
- 512 DRAM (only temporary)
- Geforce 3 (only temporary)
- 20gb HDD (only temporary)
- SoundBlaster Soundcard (only temporary)
- Lite-on 40x12x48 CD-R/CD-RW
- Some Slower CD-R (stole out of my older rig)
As you can tell it isnt a great system, yet, for the next few weeks I am going to be installing new gear on it. First thing first is a bigger HDD, say around 180gb should work. Then I can use my current for learning linux. Then maybe a new Video card so that my gaming will increase. Then I will more then likely update with better ram. Soundcard isnt that big of an issue, I normally just use headphones anyway so that I can hear the enemy approaching easier, but I might invest in a new one and a set of speakers!
On a less geeky matter, I didn't see Constantine today, but Next sunday is more then likely going to be the day.