this, and after she's visited Rick -- log pending!]
Digital camera, traditional camera, or even better yet: a cheap disposable one? What do people think?
I am really really really really sorry. Um. It really did slip my mind for a while -- and Jess was in the hospital, so it really did become more important than ever for him to have a sitter, but I didn't think about the fact that you didn't know yet, I completely forgot. Forgive me? Plus, are you two better now?
Oh, and um, when will you be home today? We kind of need to talk.
Benny? I'm going to be out of the country for a while. I don't know how long. You'll be able to cope on your own, right? I'll have my compendium with me, so if you ever need to contact me for free, you can. :)
Um, Evan? You still have your compendium, right?
• toothbrush things
• clothing, underwear, pyjamas
• passport, compendium, keys, wallet, phone
• book? which one? (Shadow of the Wind, I think)
• CAMERA (?)