First of all: SAZH HAS A CHOCOBO ON HIS HEAD. YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID. Not gonna lie, may possibly be the best character quirk ever in the history of ever.
From the beginning, however: OMG GRAPHIC HEAVEN. The opening cutscene looks like a live action movie (with a huge effects budget) -- and I don't even have a high-def TV, so take everything good I say about the graphics and dial it up five. And when, before this, a friend was playing FF7, and one contemplates the difference thirteen years can make...Science Marches On, but Digital Graphics Charges.
On that note, it is possible to play without a super-mega-spensive TV. So far the major problem is that the font sizes in the menu screens can be hard to read, as they're sized proportional to a larger screen. I wish the settings had a font size option. But I can deal.
Still working on getting the hang of the battle system; again, two hours in max. It'll come once I stop trying to play another game's battle system with it.
Kind of have a crush on Lightning. Female self-confidence is sexy. Also, banter. Banterrrrrr~! (Also have possibly-non-sexual crush on Sazh. Banterbanterbantersnark.)
Updates to follow as my helpless squeeing warrants.