As mentioned a few days ago, I'm going to actually take apart and examine the reasons why I decided that Dona deserves an entire prompt list worth of positive attention. But, since aiming low is not in my otherwise extensive vocabulary, I don't just want to talk about Dona. I want to talk about some female characters I like, and the reasons why.
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No one could possibly escape at least a little angst with that bunch. It's an airborne contagion or something. But Rinoa shows up all, "Hi guys! Let's do some verbs! What's that, Squall? You have trouble formulating and articulating your desires? That's okay; I've got enough for the both of us. Just follow along and I'm sure you'll work out how it's done!" "...I'm going to go angst in a corner now." "No! Verbs!" "...But my ellipses are incompatible with verbs............" "Too bad! Verbs are fun! See how much fun I'm having?" "Oh, hey. These verbs are kind of cool. And I can angst while I do them." "...When I'm not in a coma again, we're moving on to Lesson #2. Smiling may be involved." And even when she's having an attack of Teh Angst, she usually comes up with something to do about it pretty quick.
I mean, Jadis is evil and rotten and destroyed a world just to get back at her sister (okay, so I can relate...fortunately for us all, I don't know the Deplorable Word), BUT. She is also a dem fine woman. I have utmost admiration for anyone who can take and hold a country for that long against constant uprising. Not for her moral whatsis, but for her competence. Competence FTW.
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