In my defense, RL spent a fair amount of the week coming up with new and fascinating ways to kick my ass and ensure I couldn't even study properly thanks to stressing out. However! I did actually write some things this week.
Tuesday, I wrote a FFX story for my Lulu, Wakka, and Chappu claim. It isn't posted yet because I'd really like to send it through a beta to help me kick the character voices back on track. ("Hey, I know! I'll write an all-dialogue AU piece! That'll be fun and not hard at all!") Any volunteers?
Thursday, I decided to start a new
pyre_flies claim. Yes, I decided that what I really needed in life was another immense prompt list I would never finish. You see, I realized that I am really deeply interested in Dona as a character. Because yes, she's a bitch (though this tends to be more of a sellig point with me than otherwise; one day I will unpack the reasons why), and yes, she's obnoxious and demanding and dismissive...but also, she's a summoner. So there has to be something more than the obvious there. And I will ferret it out, using my mad ferreting powers!
Just a Little Game is the first attempt at doing a little ferreting. It's...well, if you recognize the title, you know when it's set. When she does something that, when you think about it, isn't quite as purely nasty as it appears, is it? Just like her.
Today so far I am 500-some words into ferreting with ferrets, part 2. This time: I invent backstory!