Who to the what now?

Oct 31, 2007 19:50

So it's Halloween in Second Life. (Some might argue that every day is Halloween in Second Life.) Marcus Prospero (adjectivemarcus) was kind enough to point people in the second_lifers community (in this entry) to some amazing, free and full perm costumes that he had. So, last night, I used the SLURL and popped on over.

Free textures? Cool. Free DALEKS? Oh my GOD! (Yeah, I ganked just about everything . . . )

Wandering outside led me to a mist-shrouded alley with a strange little junkyard. 76 Totters Lane . . . why does that sound familiar?

What a curious little cabinet. Wonder what it's doing in a junkyard? Let's see what happens if I click on it . . .

Um . . . whoops.

(Note: yeah, I left the camera controls in the screenshot, 'cos I can't mouselook to save my life and I was too busy geeking out to think about composition.)

I was not alone in this strange place, though I took the liberty of obscuring the names of those folks, since I didn't have a chance to ask them if they'd like to be blogged.

. . . particularly since one of them was foolish enough to pull one of the levers to see what it did. (Sorry, Marcus, I swear it wasn't me!) The pair beat a hasty retreat soon after.

I took the liberty of exploring a bit. Odd flora in this little garden . . .

The corridor led to a nice little game room . . . some of those portraits look rather familiar.

Holy cow, what a library!

I'm sure I've sucked enough of your bandwidth with snapshots, so I'll leave it at that. If you have a chance, have a look (the SLURL is in the entry that Marcus posted, above) but for pete's sake, don't touch any levers!

So it being Halloween and all, I decided to make a costume for SL. Of course, it seems a bit odd to make a costume in an environment where one can change appearance at will, but I had a little little idea, and just enough texturing, building and scripting skills to pull it off. (Along with a cheap suit from China and my Blaze tuxedo shoes.)

It was based, as someone correctly guessed, on the Boss Smiley character from the "Prez" issue of The Sandman but with a bit of a different spin on it (thus the scripted tag.) I did the rounds of see-and-be-seen, first at Grizzy's Cafe, then at The Diversionarium and finally at Poseidon Isles, where DJ Lysander was spinning. (My darling Miles Montgolfier made an appearance, and when she saw the costume, she started quoting Office Space at me.) It was a grand time, and I might go out for another round with it tonight, if I have time.

Happy Halloween, everybody!

boyself, day in the life, creation

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