(no subject)

Dec 30, 2008 18:50

Yeah, I finally update and it's a drabble. Somethingstyx is to blame!

Fandom: Detective Conan and Magic Kaito
Characters: Kaito, Akako, and Conan briefly.
Title: Maybe He's Not Just That Observant

“Oi, why do you keep tugging on my arm?” Kaito asked in annoyance, looking at Akako in annoyance. She had been doing it for at least a minute now and it was getting to the point he couldn't just ignore her.

“We need to move to another room.” Akako said, glaring at something ahead of Kaito, not even glancing at him as he spoke.

Kaito raised an eyebrow and looked where she was glaring. Though he couldn't say he was too surprised by what he found.

At present, their class was on a field trip to a museum. There was some other classes too, such as one from a certain elementary school.

“I told you already, I'm not Kid, so don't worry about his 'natural rival.'” Kaito said.

Akako shot him an icy glare. Kaito froze on the inside from the stare, just managing to keep a bored and annoyed look on his face. Then she paused and relaxed. “Ah, it seems we have nothing to worry about. It'll key in to the bigger threat.”

“Huh?” Kaito said. And then a scream was heard from a nearby restroom. As to be expected, one Edogawa Conan bolted towards it as soon as the surprise faded, the rest of the Detective Boys not far behind, caling after him. Soon there was word of someone murdered in the bathroom. Kaito immediately looked at Akako, glaring at the witch. She didn't...?

“It wasn't me.” Akako said calmly. “If it was, there wouldn't be a corpse.”

The glare faded, though Kaito wasn't sure if those words were comforting...or just disturbing. Probably just disturbing. ….yeah, he was disturbed.

Akako looked towards the bathroom. “There's nothing to worry about now. After all, you're not the biggest threat in his mind anymore, so it wouldn't work now.” She said, continuing on the tour like nothing had happened.

“I told you, I'm not-” Kaito started.

“Of course, of course. And the fact that the boy has the Sight has no reason to be any concern of yours.” Akako said in a flippant tone, shrugging her shoulders.

Sight. Wasn't Sight supposed to be...? “What do you mean he's psychic?!”

Fandom: Detective Conan
Characters: Conan, Kaitou Kid, brief cameo of Mitsuhiko.
Title: Of the "Maybe He's Not Just That Observant" series.

He could feel. No, strike that. He's BEEN feeling it. For almost a week now. It wasn't a constant, but almost every night, it felt like someone was following him. At first he had been worried that it was THEM, but he even spent the night at Agasa's, with that same feeling, and Haibara didn't even react.

Was it possible she couldn't feel this one, like she had before when they looked for Mitsuhiko?

But as Conan paid it more attention, it didn't necessarily feel...threatening. Of course he was on edge because someone w as watching, but for some reason, not really threatened. Which was why, seven days after it started, he finally came to his conclusion. After telling Ran he was going to visit the Agasa's, he felt the Detective Agency. And while he made it appear that was his destination, he made a detour to a park on the way. He needed seclusion and with Subaru still in his house, the park would have to do.

He looked around after walking deep into the park. No one around. “So, mind telling me why you're following me?” He asked aloud, looking around. “Kaitou Kid?”

For a moment, there was nothing. Then an amused chuckle the white thief appeared on top of the nearby lamp post in a puff of smoke. “So, you did notice, tantei-kun?”

“Of course I did. Anyone will feel eyes on them for a week.” Conan said, looking slightly annoyed. “You haven't announced a heist, you can't disguise as me, and you've already proven you can do Ran and uncle rather well except for the smoking.” He said, his eyes narrowing. “So what is it?”

Kid smirked, shrugging his shoulders and tilting his head to the side. “What can I say? Someone brought up a rather interesting fact about you. I wanted to see if I could get proof.” He said.

This got Conan's attention. “Who do you know that would say anything interesting about me?”

“A witch.” Kid said simply.

“Liar.” Conan shot back.

“I thought that's what you'd say.” Kid said, looking entirely amused by the situation.

“Then why lie?” Conan demanded.

“Who said I was?” Kid sad simply.

Conan paused. What was Kid trying to pull? “You know I don't believe in magic.”

“I am aware, tantei-kun. But you should know, even if my magic isn't 'real,' that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.” Kid said, hopping down lightly from the lamp post.

The thought entered Conan's mind to use his tranquilizer watch, but for the moment, he decided against it. Something was going on. Kid wouldn't approach him for no reason. “So what did that redhead say about me?” Conan asked.

Kid paused, staring at Conan. Was that surprise on his face? Conan couldn't be sure. As soon as it was there, it was gone again. “...a question, tantei-kun.” Kaitoud Kid said, sounding a bit more serious.

“What?” Conan asked. Something had changed. Why?

“How did you know she was a redhead?” Kid asked.

Conan paused. “What?”

“The witch. That's all I called her. But you called her a redhead. How did you know?” Kid asked, giving Conan an inspecting look.

Conan was silent in response. Why had he? What reason did he have to call her a redhead? “...I guess the witch from that dream is what I pictured.” Conan said with a shrug. What else could it be?

“Dream?” Kid asked, walking over to Conan and bent down, to look more directly into his eyes. “And what dream is that?” He asked, wearing that annoying smirk again.

Conan stepped back, a scowl forming on his face. Kid was being far too friendly and not giving him enough answers. “That impossible dream of a young redhead witch telling my fortune before I tried to stop you from stealing an ancient saber.” Conan smirked at Kid. “You were beaten by Yaiba, a kid, and he made you lose your sword. Should I play Yaiba for you?”

And again, there was that flicker. Was it possible....? “I don't think so, tantei-kun.” Kid said, straightening up. “For one thing, Yaiba couldn't even remember my name after I told him. You're not that stupid.” He said.

Conan blinked. “Huh? You've read it too?”

“Read it?” Kid asked.

“Yaiba.” Conan said.

“I've never heard of it besides when I fought that kid. You weren't there when I told the ancient saber though.” Kid said calmly.

And that was his snapping point. “What the hell are you talking about?!” Conan demanded. He was talking like Yaiba was real.

“Now, now, a little kid shouldn't use such language.” Kid said in a teasing voice, a wide grin spread across his face.

“Bastard, tell me what you're going on about? What are you looking for?!” Conan demanded, bending down, reaching for his shoe. Kaitou Kid was playing a game and with him following him all week, Conan was too on edge to just let him walk without giving him a real answer.

“And that's my cue to leave. Thanks for answering my question.” Kid said and with a cheerful wave, dropped a flash bomb.

Conan jerked away, throwing his arm over his eyes at the flash. He lowered his arm when the light faded and, not surprised, found Kid was gone. “...what was he trying to do?” Conan muttered.

The next day, he asked Mitsuhiko for the Yaiba manga. The response baffled him more than what happened the night before.

“Yaiba? You mean Kamen Yaiba?”

“No, just Yaiba!”

“But....Conan, there's no manga just called Yaiba.”

Fandom: Detective Conan and Magic Kaito
Characters: Kaito, Akako.
Title: Of the "Maybe He's Not Just That Observant" series.

“Why are you so interested, Kuroba-san? After all, you're not Kid.” Akako said with a smirk.

Kaito kept on the smile. It was currently lunch and he had managed to get Akako to the school roof to avoid her suitors and Aoko. And then he proceeded to question her subtly about Conan, just for curiosity. “Of course I'm not. But if the opponent of Kid is psychic, I want to know. It's great to see how amazing he is, if he can stop real magic.” Kaito said.

Akako stared at him with a disbelieving look. He kept on the smile, not breaking his poker face. Akako sighed. “Intuition.” Akako said, opening her bento box. “Rather common in detectives, but his is rather strong. It seems an outside influence increased it.”

“An outside influence? Like what?” Kaito asked, keeping the tone casual.

“It seems to be a combination. Both from excessive spirits being around him and some other person with a similar ability.” Akako said, breaking the chopsticks.

“But he doesn't believe in spirits.” Kaito said.

“Ah, but he's with the sleeping Kogoro, isn't he? He doesn't have to be aware of spirits for them to affect him. His Sight doesn't key into them.” Akako said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “And no, I wouldn't know who the other person is, so it's best you don't ask. Any other questions or can I eat my lunch?” She asked in a curt tone.

Kaito made a mental note that questioning her after not falling into her trap was a situation he should be wary of. She didn't look happy. “How strong would you say he is?” He needed to know that, at least. Of course, he never broke his poker face.

Akako paused, a deep frown crossing her face. She was silent for a few moments, seeming to be in thought.

“Koizumi-kun?” Kaito said questioningly.

Akako looked at him seriously. “He broke my defenses. That's how I knew.” She said seriously.

Kaito paused. Broke Akako's defenses...

“Thanks, Koizumi-kun!” Kaito said, grinning widely, heading for the door. “Now I know what Kid is fighting. Enjoy your lunch.”

Akako watched as Kaito left and sighed, putting down the chopsticks. Really, she shouldn't have told him all that. He was the only one who stood in her way!

She stared at the rose in front of her bento box. She picked it up, staring at it before she sighed. “Well, that kid is a threat too.” She told herself. After a moment, she lifted the flower to smell the sweet fragrance, and maybe smiling just a bit. Not that anyone would ever know that for sure.
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