THE TRIFORCE OF AWESOME... have encountered a technical hitch u.u [CLOSED]

Feb 06, 2011 03:16

Who: Dean Winchester 100deaths_a_day; ; Dante albinoidiot ; Castiel to_rebel
Where: Dean's room - Floor 1; Capsule A; Alpha Tower
When: 06/02
/Warning: MOUTH (ESPECIALLY WHEN DANTE PUTS HIS TWO CENTS IN); BLOOD; SIZZLED DEMON FLESH; PURE AWESOME which may melt eyes more effectively ( Read more... )

[ou] dante, [ou] castiel, [ou] dean winchester

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albinoidiot February 6 2011, 16:47:18 UTC
Following Dean was actually harder than it had looked. He had been around with several wounds before, most being incredibly worse than several specs of blood, but this was on a whole new caliber. The pain that surged through him from every little speck that had marked his skin was almost paralyzing. He had brushed off the blood but it had done nothing.

When they were finally in Dean's bedroom, he slumped against a far wall, heaving heavy breaths gritting his teeth trying not to make any sound. Showing pain was weakness after all, blue eyes just glared at the thing on the bed.

So that was the angel. Supposedly. Dean had mentioned there being an angel before but he didn't think it was going to be like this. Vergil and himself were right, this guy was nothing like they had imagined an angel to be like. He smelled like shit but he looked so human.

"Now, when you say vessel," He began through gritted teeth as he rubbed the wet cloth he had been handed over his wounds. It wasn't working very well, "do you mean that an angel possessed that body? What the hell?"


to_rebel February 6 2011, 17:23:01 UTC
The ceiling was spinning, which meant that Castiel was definitely not going to stare at it. (Somewhere, deep in his mind, he was pretty sure that that didn't quite make sense. He also wasn't sure it mattered.) He swallowed hard, wincing at the taste of blood, and blinked wearily.

Oh. Right. He was on a bed. He... actually wasn't quite sure when that had happened. It was only dimly that he recalled Dean dragged him here and muttering something about kicking his ass. No need, Dean. Time travel had done that quite effectively already.

He grunted when he shifted, gaze meeting that glare from Dante. Ah. That needed addressed, didn't it? He got a hand under him and started trying to push himself to a sitting position.

He was not going to have this conversation laying down.

Of course, given how he was feeling, he might have to revise that opinion or not have this conversation at all.


100deaths_a_day February 6 2011, 17:39:26 UTC
Dean looked over at Dante, after giving Cas the eye. Cas... definitely wasn't doing well. He starts contemplating wether he'll have to strap him down for a few days to get him to rest. Probably, knowing Cas.

"It works a little differently to demonic possesion, but yes. Castiel is wearing Jimmy's meatsuit to the prom." He remembered the hassle that they'd had when Jimmy got his body back for a while. Oh god... He suddenly had the hope that that wouldn't happen here. What would happen if it did?

But hell, you want more of an explanation, Cas can decide what to and not to tell you about that.


albinoidiot February 6 2011, 18:06:08 UTC
"A little differently. Right."

Dante knew his share of possessions. Although he himself had never been a part of one, he knew well enough someday that ability would be available to him, he didn't want to think about that stuff. It wasn't his style. He was a devil hunter, not just a devil. The fact that an angel had taken over the body of human was just...

Typical? Come on dude, they're vicious. And he was starting to believe himself. He winced and just looked down.

"It sounds kind of a weird, you know, that I can honestly say I didn't think his type existed. Where the hell have they been, man? He your guardian or something?" Because that's what his mother told him. Everyone had a guardian angel. He doubted Vergil and himself were included in this but, hey. That's another thing to think about later.


to_rebel February 6 2011, 18:15:30 UTC
"It is different." Castiel's voice was nowhere near as forceful as he would have wished, if only because he refused to give voice to his own doubts about it. Jimmy Novak was a man of great faith and conviction, with a family he loved; Castiel never regretted coming to earth or helping Dean, but he had wished (over and over again) that he hadn't torn apart a family to do so.

Still not having this conversation lying down. He grabbed the nearest thing for support -- which happened to be Dean's shoulder -- while he settled, leaning against the wall and hopefully not looking quite as bad as he felt.

"Jimmy gave permission." And with that, Castiel leaned his head back against the wall and took a deep breath. It seemed that, as long as he wasn't doing anything, he might actually survive this with a minimal amount of pain.

... Maybe.


100deaths_a_day February 6 2011, 18:31:31 UTC
"Cas..." He didn't finish, except with a sigh. Talking to him, well, it was like talking to a very stubborn and strong-willed brick wall. Wait... more like an iron wall with salt over it. just don't over do it... more...

"It's the difference between them. Angels and demons, I mean."


albinoidiot February 6 2011, 21:13:01 UTC
"Jimmy." He gave a light chuckle but it quickly turned into a groan. "That's a funny name."

Leave it to Dante to be cracking jokes; or at least trying to, during a serious moment like this. All this angel stuff was new to him. During his entire time of living and breathing as a devil, he had never seen or heard any mention of them. Sure, all those loony believers and church-goers always preached to him about them but, where was the proof?

For a long moment, Dante just sat there looking at the propped up angel. The meat suit looked old. Tired. Or maybe that was just the angel stuck inside of it. Dante could only assume what things the guy has seen. He turned to look at Dean. He didn't blame the hunter for being so worried, angel's were the real deal, the real keepers of the peace. A part of him felt that perhaps the proper way to react to all of this was to feel relieved. It was like the cavalry he had been waiting for his entire life had finally come, unfortunately, he felt a lot of anger. They weren't in their world. Odds were, Dean probably wasn't from his world despite how much he seemed to know about the same thing. This wasn't his revelation. It couldn't be. It just couldn't.

And what if it were? What if they were from the same world, where the hell were the rest? Why hadn't he been reached? Why hadn't Vergil? Why did their mother have to die the way she did, hadn't the family given enough service, hadn't they played the Justice League enough? His eyes finally ripped away from the two as he got up and started getting weakly to his feet.

"A knife, Dean. I need a knife."


to_rebel February 6 2011, 21:33:06 UTC
Castiel grunted softly at that comment. Leave it to Dean to start associating with someone who would take all this information and crack a joke about Jimmy's name. He let his eyes drift closed then, giving in to the weariness for a moment. The pain had at least receded, though he could still feel the ragged edges of his Grace throbbing. Without even realizing what he was doing, he pressed a hand to his chest and sighed.

He was so very tired.

He heard Dante start moving, but felt that Dean could deal with that -- at least, until Dante asked for a knife. Call Castiel paranoid, but he'd just arrived in this place and having someone he'd just injured -- even inadvertently -- ask for a weapon his presence was not going to fly.

He pushed himself off the wall, tensed and already bracing himself for the shock that would come from reaching for his power now, and watched Dante carefully.


100deaths_a_day February 6 2011, 22:14:19 UTC
Dean put his hand on Cas's shoulder, and eased him (yeah, sorry if that hurt you any Cas) back onto the wall. He could take a rough guess at what Dante was going to do... after all, he'd done it to Dean himself, right? "He's not going to hurt you. Besides..." He didn't look over to the door, not wanting to draw attention to what the sigil on the back of the door did. "...I could get you out of here before he could get to you."

He slipped his had under the pillow Cas was using for support, and pulled out the knife that was under there. Old habits die hard. He slipped the knife across his palm incase he was wrong (and making it look like a complete accident whilst he was at it. even adding "sonofabitch" under his breath) and hovering by the door once he'd passed it to Dante.

He watched the scene carefully to see how it would unfold. He didn't want to banish Cas back to his room - They weren't allowed to leave this city so the little common sense that Dean possessed dictated that he'd end up in his room. But not wanting to... well, he'd done a lot of crap in his life that he didn't want to. And yeah, he knew Cas would get pissed if he had to do it... again, nothing new, really. He could always piss the angel on his shoulder off somehow.


albinoidiot February 6 2011, 22:55:14 UTC
Dante didn't exactly think asking for a knife was going to cause this much tension in the air. He felt it, that change in attitude around him. He didn't exactly find it odd that maybe Castiel had considered him a threat since, well, his blood was the one burning the albino devil. Unfortunately, it was Dean's behavior that annoyed him.

"Oh, you've gotta be shitting me." He muttered angrily at Dean as he watched him stand between him and the door as if Dante was going to do something wrong. "Seriously? You're a fucking dick."

Did he honestly forget that great nose? Did he honestly forget that Dante wasn't an idiot. He knew what he had done, he knew what that symbol probably meant and just because Dante was that good at intuition (he's bleeding sarcasm) he didn't have to guess that Dean was questioning him. Again, they found themselves in this spot. It reminded him of Lady, her voice lingering in her head for a moment. Nothing but a disgusting demon...

"I'll have you know, ass," He spoke to Dean as he snatched the blade from his hand, "I don't hunt angels. All right? Never seen one in my entire damned life. Sure, I'm a little pissed off to see one considering how for years I've been doing their damned job exterminating demons. I'm a devil hunter like my devil father before me. You can go fuck yourself if you don't believe me. I don't have to prove myself."

He moved off towards the desk and starts slicing at his arm being the first place where Castiel's blood burned. He was literally slicing chunks of skin and setting them on the desk. He turned to the bloody angel and shrugged.

"I'll admit, you're not exactly what I pictured you to be. It must really suck being stuck with his ass." Yeah, he points a bloody knife at you, Dean. Ungrateful bastard.


to_rebel February 6 2011, 23:11:53 UTC
It wasn't that Castiel didn't believe Dean; he did, but he also noticed the way Dean stood beside the door, bloody head read to activate that sigil. Honestly, he absolutely hoped that that would not be necessary; it would leave him unable to do much of anything after a banishment. If Dean banished him, Castiel wasn't sure he'd be able to get back any time soon -- and that was assuming it didn't outright kill him, which was likely in his condition now.

He was also going to have to have a discussion with Dean about when it was all right to use that sigil. (That boiled down to never, except in extreme cases.)

Castiel watched Dante closely, having relaxed somewhat after Dean pushed him into the wall -- which, yes, did hurt, thank you, Dean -- and managed to roll one shoulder in a sort of shrug when Dante spoke to him.

"Not as much as one might think," he said quietly. He couldn't really fault Dean for moving to protect him if needed -- but Dante's reaction spoke volumes. This... this demanded more attention and time. Castiel needed to find out more about Dante.

In time, though. When he could think again.


100deaths_a_day February 7 2011, 00:18:13 UTC
Dean's not gonna lie, his words hurt. But he hadn't expected anything else other than harsh words.

But then Castiel's words softened the blow. Did he... really think that much of him? Because, whilst they were not word that would mean a lot from anyone else... from Cas, it was... well. It was a big thing from him.

In this second he made up his mind t be honest with Cas about the God thing... but not now. He'd also have to explain to Dante a little more about Castiel. And why he was taking such great lengths to protect him. Again, though, probably not now.

"You think I give a crap what you think of me right now? I have an angel on my bed, who-" I'd give my life to protect. Especially after... yeah. "-who is not doing well, and you... well, you don't look like you're exactly a bunch of roses, either. But, hey, I'm guessing you'll be able to heal that crap after you get Cas' blood off of you. guess what? plus one for you if that's the case." His voice said that he was taking none of Dante's pissy speech much to heart better than his words did, even if both were a lie.

And he's moving away from the sigil, and back over to Cas.


albinoidiot February 7 2011, 13:05:08 UTC
Dean's words were expected. He was all ready under the impression the guy was back to seeing him as nothing more than what he was, a devil. What had he expected? He was a hunter,a good one by the looks of it. He was like Lady without the bitchiness, short skirt, and the boobs. Vergil was just always right, wasn't he? Every single damned time. It was pissing him off.

Dante didn't respond back to those words. Blue eyes concentrated on the arm he was literally mutilating. He was clearly pissed off at this, that knife cutting a bit deeper than usual as the pile of flesh on the desk started growing. He just kept his mouth shut for a long time and started picking at his chest.

"I told you, I've never dealt with an angel before. I'm only assuming this is the right thing to do since, well." He went quiet for a bit. "If I get stabbed with something holy, I tend to just cut the area off and let it re-grow. It should work. I think. Not sure."


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