[LOG] Blood

Apr 13, 2011 16:33

Who: Dante(albinoidiot) & Dean Winchester(100deaths_a_day) & later Sam Winchester(hunter_returns
What: Dean is badly injured and Dante does his best to save him. Sam walks in and... it just looks wrong.
Where: Winchester House
When: April 12th
Warning: Blood and people's mouths
Status: Incomplete. Closed.

Now that's the way you even a score... )

[ou] dante, [ou] dean winchester, [ou] sam winchester

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albinoidiot April 16 2011, 15:02:56 UTC
Unfortunately for Dante, he hadn't even gotten a chance to allow so much as a drop to fall on Dean's wounds. Sam had lunged forward and made him back off, missing Sam by mere seconds as he trickster'ed himself out of the way. His back hit the counter but because of Dean's little interjection, he actually managed to get free from Sam. Too bad Sammy's presence was going to make things even more difficult.

The slit wrist by his side was still dripping and oozing creating a nice puddle on the ground. He gave a small grunt, why couldn't it do that on the hunter.

"Listen Sam, this isn't what it looks." Okay, it might be a little from what details Dean bothered to disclose but that was the hard part of Dante's job: convincing people he wasn't trying to eat them.

"I didn't wanna meet you this way but I guess I have no choice. You probably all ready guessed it, I'm not a hundred-percent human. Just half. That bein' said, I'm not trying to hurt Dean, I'm trying to save him. My blood can heal him. I've actually done it before, the guy just can't think right now. So at least give me the consent to heal him. Shoot me afterward."

Wouldn't be the first time.


Sorry guys ><;; /just gets notif ;; 100deaths_a_day April 19 2011, 08:48:40 UTC
Dean flinched as Sam applied pressure to the wound. The blood was coming slower - The loss of blood was seriously affecting the blood pressure. And it sucked because he knew the clinic was out of action, robots having gone mad and all.

But he really didn't want the blood. He started quickly running through the options in his head. Ho- No, hope had left. Same with Willow. Dende... would still be a problem. He didn't know of anyone else that coould heal wounds of the top of his head. He cursed the fact it looked like his only option.

But, the look on Sam's face... it was all too much like his last year before Hell. He'd seen that look more and more. But, it was pretty much the look Sam had had when he was being ripped apart by Hell's puppies. He couldn't die in front of Sam. Not again. Especialy as last time it hadn't driven Sam off the deep, deep end. He would... He would lock himself away if he felt the sudden urge to bite Dante or something. He would have to. he had to do anything to get that look off his brother's face.

"s'mmy..." He turned his head to look at Dante. Hopefully Sam would get the message.

Dean... He'd deal with not dying on Sam now, and being a monster later, if it came to it.


hunter_returns April 20 2011, 00:55:20 UTC
While Sam heard what Dante was saying, he kept frantic eyes on his brother. Dean couldn’t die now. He had just found him. For fuck’s sake, he had jumped into Hell to save him. Not Creation or Earth or anything so grand.

“Dean? Just blink, anything. If you don’t want this? I’ll find another way. I’ll get help.. I’ll..”

He’d do what? The city was a damned wreck. He knew no one and Cas was long gone.

“I can’t.. Dean..” His hand was tight on his brother. All he needed was some kind of sign. Anything. He wouldn’t force it on Dean. He knew how risky blood was, especially magical blood.


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