Mar 04, 2011 21:35

Who: Dean Winchester 100deaths_a_day || Gabriel hung_garian;
What: Dean's taking a little revenge for the television thing.
Where: Just outside Gabriel's room
When: March 4th
Warning: Possible mouth.
Status: Incomplete. Closed.

Dean used the communicator to find Gabriel's room. He cut his palm and set up a banishing sigil in the corridoor and hid himself out the way. He set himself up to wait for his prey, watching the door like a hawk.

A lot of people say and believe that Dean has no patience. This... is a lie. Or, it might be more prudent to say that it is only a half-truth. He has unending patience when it comes to planned revenge and a hunt. This, in a way, was both of those. He was hunting Gabriel for revenge for the groundhog day, and the whole television debacle.

"and now we wait...." He said quietly to himself, making himself comfortably hidden.

[ou] gabriel, [ou] dean winchester

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