The ceiling fan Saga continues

Jun 09, 2007 19:46

There is something in me that never allows any home maintenance task to be easy. No matter how simple the task inherently is, I will somehow manage to F*** it up in a way to add to the challenge. Point in case was my recent attempt to clean my ceiling fan blades. Umm yeah, I obviously needed new blades. Sooo

After much encouragement from Mr Turino, I finally joined Freecycle (which is awesome and I highly recommend it). My first get rid of was some blinds that don't fit and my first acquisition was ceiling fan blades!!!

I went pick them up last weekend, but the holes didn't match up with the holes in the brackets. I decided that I just needed to drill new holes. I lined up the old blade to the new blade and drilled holes. Several holes later and they still aren't matching up. I try to make the holes bigger because they are almost matching up. I decide that maybe I can just screw the hardware through and it will magically fit. It doesn't and in the process I strip the screw. Not the threads of the screw, no, you know the how the head of the screw has the little cut in it that makes it require either a phillips or just regular, well that is now just a smooth circle so I can't remove the bracket from the blade, and now have messed up hardware and blades with multiple holes in them non of which line up to the now unavailable hardware.

At this point I gave up on free and went to Home Depot and got new blades and new hardware that fits the blades. My ceiling fan once again is functional!

I haven't yet decided on my next home repair project, maybe something with a Pick Axe!
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