Oct 31, 2004 12:31
Wow, its halloween! Aready. I'm gearing up for a) the annual AFI fan Halloween dealie-ma-bobber, and b) the part-ay. the AFI thing is cool, at certain times of the day a big group of AFI fans around the world will be doing specific things. It was planned out... for example, at 3:36 pm we will play the whole All Hallows EP. At ten we have to play one of the intros. I'll be bumping "Stength Through Wounding." Gotta love it. Anyways, the party is with LC and Ray and a bunch of people. Ray is moving next week so it's kind of Halloween/going away. We decided it's only going to be till like seven. Then I'll be at home, giving out candy. Last night me, Lil, and Britt went to see a show, it was great! We saw Die To self, Chapter 13, Seven Story Ruin, and Zero Theory. Seven Story Ruin absolutely blew me away! They were so awesome, I had to buy their CD. Zero Theory, awesome as ever. They all signed my pants. Now i have signed pants and a signed CD. Britt beat me though, she has two signed CDs and her pants have already been signed by them. Damn. It was really good, though, we had a lot of fun watching Britt spaz. We had a lot of fun in general. I won a robot dance contest. YEAAAH. It was awesome. I don't have to go to school tomorrow, yay. OK, i'm ending this novella here...