Dr. Dog

Apr 10, 2009 13:47

Hey Bea Arthur fans, long time no post.

wickedchicken and I drove into "The City" (Chicago, natch) for a Dr. Dog show last night. Parking in Chicago is worse than parking at North Central College, so it took nearly an hour to find a spot. Then we ate at the sort of irritating Earwax Cafe. I guess we should have figured an eating establishment named after a mildly disgusting bodily produced substance would be less than comfortable for two staunch suburbanites, but it was close to the venue and didn't look as snotty as the other places. Too bad they just had a different brand of snobby on the menu. At least the tuna melt was good, even if the decor left a lot to be desired. Plus, they played Portishead. Portishead is only slightly less irritating than Battles. And Battles are the bane of my existence, musically speaking. The Double Door is my least favorite venue to date mainly because I'm pretty sure they disregard the Fire Marshall's occupancy laws.
But despite all of my complaining, Dr. Dog was pretty awesome. I think the atmosphere took away from my overall experience (thanks, stupid blonde girl bumping me with your obscenely large purse while you ferociously made out with your oafy boyfriend) so it wasn't the greatest concert ever, but that is through no fault of the band. Maybe I just don't "get it," but I always thought going to a concert (and paying for it on Ticketmaster no less) meant you went because you liked the band and wanted to listen to them play live. Maybe I'm just too tragically out of the hipster loop to understand that it's about seeing and being seen or some shit like that. Well, as far as I could tell, no one really gave a shit who else was there and what they were wearing. But it's pretty amazing that Dr. Dog sold out their first date about a month in advance and they had to add a second one. They gave an energetic show and I like them more now than I did before (I liked them a lot before) but the whole crowd and venue and situation was annoying. I wish I could have been less frustrated by everything else so I could have focused more on the band. I guess not every concert going experience is going to be THE MOST AWESOME EVER!!! and this didn't completely suck by any means, but there were a lot of things I would have rather not put up with at all. Not saying I wished I'd stayed home or anything, but I was sort of hoping there wouldn't be an encore so I could leave that God forsaken room.

In other news, Johanna turned three and I made her cupcakes with monkey faces on them. First time using fondant! It was a lot of fun! I'm really enjoying sponsoring again, but an old (nearly) forgotten sponsee recently popped back up. She's supposed to call me before 2:30 today, but I doubt it's going to happen. Maybe I'm just cynical, but I'm pretty sure she's just bored and looking for something else to do and that's why she's called me. Whatever. I'll give her an assignment and if she does it, great, we'll keep going. If not, oh well! Find someone else's time to waste, love.

All right, kids. I'm off to work. Maybe it will be less than two months before my next post. ha.
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