Parking lot on the Mainland, mid-morning

Apr 18, 2007 14:05

Pip sat on a bench, surrounded by his stuff, with a cat resting next to him, lick her paws.

He took a final drag on his cigarette as the sound of footsteps approached behind him.

"I'm really sorry," a voice behind him. "I really am."

"That's okay Brian," Pip responded. "I'm used to it by now. Always leaving."

"Yeah," Brian said, approaching Pip and putting a hand on his shoulder. "But you shouldn't have to be."

Pip sighed and stubbed out the ciggarette. "As I'll ever be." He reached up and wiped away a tear.

He hadn't really cried them all out after all.

Then Brian whiped a blindfold over Pip's eye, hand cuffed his hands, and threw him into the van, followed by all of his luggage.

Merdebaise looked at Brian disdainfully, then hopped up into the van behind her pet.

Brian looked out over at Fandom Island and shook his head. "You're a king bastard, aren't you Jean-Luc?" he said as he got into the driver's side of the car and started it up, taking it out on to the highway, traveling far from Fandom. Headed due south.

[[OOC: And this represents an RP break for this journal! From here on out, it will be used in milieux_ecole, not fandomhigh. It's been a blast, kids!]]
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