A long needed update

Aug 27, 2009 18:59

I know, I know! I can't bealive the last time I updated the page here was on Gus's birthday in June. I have been writting in mu hand written journals. Tons have happened since then and I am not sure where to even start. But I will do my best.

1. No I have not found work yet BUT I did win my battle with unemployement and have been getting unemployement checks.

2. Yes, Gus and I are homeless and have been since the the end of June.

3. Good news is that Gus's department ended up being spared and he still has his job with the city. However, he lost his second part time job....and hasn't been able to find a second part time right now.

4. My Grandma Nana, was diagnosed with breast cancer. This month she has gone through surgury and had both breasts removed and will be starting chemotherpy soon. SO, other then looking for work, and trying to find a place to live...I have been helping her as much as I can.

5. I have a website that I plan to do a lot with but in the meantime you can still check it out at www.2geeks.us

6. Other then dealing with looking for a place to live, find a job, and helping grandma, I still have managed to keep my pets (horse included)...how I manage that I will never know...sometimes I even amaze myself. and I have been working on more Art pieces.

I think that about covers it.
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