(no subject)

Jan 04, 2007 02:55


*peers around this new space of 2007 with a cheshire smile*

Cat had my tongue last year, this one began quiet and a body not happy with me, but all in all I was where I wanted to be when I began this year. I did say boom for this year... and it will come but not in a way I know... yet. It certainly is not coming out as a dj, i may have stacks of wax but they still bitch slappin me... but then I haven't exactly stepped up to the plate either. I have been... batting eyelashes from a distance, cooed in it's ear, fondled it even but that is nothing compared to the actual journy to learn one has to bite into if they expect to make anything of it.

I am happy to have the new year here, I've never done the resolutions thing and if I did it was in joke cus I know it doesn't work... not unless the new year truly means something to you. I have lived so many without truly having a good reason, something shimmering in the near horizon to catch my eye... something me myself and I can look forward to.
Dreams one step closer to reality...
I stop and think sometimes what my apt must look like to a child... once the blacklight's on... even without them it's a land of adventure... thusly not normal to the wee one, truly another world. I like that. I like that my home is nothing like normal, cus I have to go out in that least 5 days a week to keep reality happy, I don't have to look at it while i'm at home too. *l* The art has really added something... i'm tempted to really clear things out and have canvas all over the place, lots of somethings to be in the go...

It's like an intense want to immerse myself in my own creations which come with no real thought... okay well that sounds dumb. *LOL* I like to paint and not think... soon as I start to think it goes astray, music can be a great distraction, or even company but then not comfortable doin that just infront of anyone... I need to be relaxed... feel the flow... catch the tail let the brush go.
Surround myself with just visual stuff of what i can do and then go from there... it almost feels like... mapping my skills, cus I have a handful of raw ones like a giant sponge waiting to get an upload and then go to the races. :P

But those tables... yeah we got dates...daily, like the gym baby. I'm gunna make you have to go in for that tune up cus im going to be all over you so much! *giggle* Rawr!!
While in the far off lands of green London... yeah freakin green, horrible colour this time of year outside. I retrived a gift given from santa to a pair of girls many years ago... I think (should get that one veritfied by the rents :P ),
twas back in it's box stand and all, there was ponder of it even being sold-
hold I said! (well not but I want to keep you engaged ;))
for that very tool maybe the answer to the savy mental block one leans on so heavy so.
But what of the mighty greyhound, you can't possibly put all that on him to wisk back all your lonesome?!

Worry not mother dear, I will do what must be done, mash included it is the way of the kitten.

*grumbling by parental units but swede by her determined smile and stubborn gene ( the polish side, figures eh? :P ) *

And the kitten did return home the lone warrior braving native lands to greet with santa on this dull green of a tiding season and accept his gifts with much thanks. Having a near head on attack with the meanie! Haulin the bounty back up the mountain of grey to home sweet home. Upon 4 stacked square brown big enough to sit on cushions (pressy from parents woooooo they got somethin right this year! :P best thing ever! I explain later)
*clears throat*

Upon the mash before my roomate I placed a very much neglected Yamaha PSR-48 and watched a man become a boy in the press of a single key upon the board.
Fear not young kitten... for you now mastered the art of flashy distracty... the tables are yours for the taking! Worry not of his elite skills making you feel punny and the task impossible... for he will be stepping as a child in a new realm all of his own... you are equal now. Now you progress at your own speeds, but at the same speed.

*tuff of white flicks, ear of green follows as that broad smile takes to a secret smile, a nod follows suit*

This is the year I truly start to take the things I want by the horns, go after what I want... what's the game plan, I don't know but I do know where on to something and that's good enough for me. *hehe* So many tails I have caught onto, seeing, feeling such good in those last few strong, flicks which had such greater things come before it.
Never have I seen the beginning...
Perhaps it is a beginning is be with me?

I can't get the lil tale told to me by a close friend of mine, i never looked upon the year of the monkey in such light before this... in fact I remember begining disappointed and never touched on it again. Funny how things come round again when it is the time to hear them... I will have to track it down to say it properly.

Something rumbles within me to be unleashed, perhaps a dragon itself to spread over the skys and eventually... be a tail for another, who like me needed to see, feel those few flickers to hold onto, to imagine, to surpass in their own enthuasium, passion...

Happy New Year to you, yourself and I.
Although a year on the more quiet side ahead, the bounce will keep me regular. *heh*



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