Aye, I know, I know, s'been a long while since I las' gave a peep abou' what's goin' on, bu'... well... t'ings haven' been goin' so good t'ese las' few weeks.
Firs' off, as I remember mentionin' sometime 'afore I ran off ta drink meself stupid fer t'ree days straight (a new personal record, I'll t'ank ye!), t'e Legacy is repaired an' t'ere's no way I can get me book from t'e shipyards. No' a good t'ing, as t'at means it is now in t'e claws o'
cap'n noose-happy.
Second, I 'ave t'e mos' horrible t'ought t'at she's gonna fin' me out ta be livin' here sooner rat'er t'an later. An' I'm no' a one ta get nervous easy. Ya see, t'e
doc were in t'e Grease an Bile a while ago wit' t'at
robot o'
Jimbo's an' I'm startin' ta worry t'at t'e lad's leaked t'e word out abou' where I'm workin'. I don' t'ink it ta be t'e kind a place a gennleman t'at intraduces hisself as "Doctor Delber' Doppler o' t'e family Doppler, datin' back ta t'e firs' settlers an' governers o' Montressor, PhD" when handin' I.D. o'er t'e booze counter would usually go ta eat.
I can' go inta wha' happened righ' now, bu' I will say t'is - if t'ey know where I is workin' righ' now t'en I've got no choice bu' ta quit t'e Grease an' Bile, grab t'e book an' be gone from Montressor -- soon!