Ah-heh, a kindred spirit...

Jun 01, 2003 15:14

Well, if I've no' jus' hopped off t'e communicator wit' t'e nicest lass... Demonoflight is a lass I foun' when I, er... came across t'e doc's files (t'e cracker codes I downloaded are doin' me a world o' good!). I know her ta have had a wee hand in t'e doc an' t'e cap'n's break-up. Oh... didn't I mention t'at sooner? T'e ol' doc's in t'e dog-house wit' t'e adm'r'ble Cap'n Amelia! I caught t'e Demon lass ta ask her fer details, an' if she warn't t'e sneakiest scoundral I've met in a while... Tryin' ta act like she were on my side when I knew she woul' be goin' behind me back ta t'e doc abou' me. Bein' t'e respectable gentleman t'at I am... I've sent a copy o' our wee conversation ta t'e doc an' cap'n, via Jimbo, sheerly fer t'e purposes o' prosperity... HA! How's she like t'em purps, I wonder?

CyborgJohnSilver: Why, 'allo t'ere, lass!
CyborgJohnSilver: I hads ta come an' congratualate ya, personal like
Demonoflight: For... What?
CyborgJohnSilver: fer t'e remarkable break-up o' t'e Doc an' Cap'n Amelia
Demonoflight: Oh, that... Um... Yeah...
CyborgJohnSilver: I couldns'a done it better meself!
Demonoflight: Eheh... Well, I didn't actually MEAN to...
CyborgJohnSilver: oh, nonsense, lass! Yer a regular scallywag!
Demonoflight: Um... I am?
CyborgJohnSilver: 'course! A heart as black as Benbonian eggs, as me mam used ta say!
CyborgJohnSilver: I coul' see it in ye t'e moment I laid me eye on ye!
Demonoflight: Um... Yay me... ^^;;
CyborgJohnSilver: oh, t'is not'in' ta be ashamed of, lass! It's a regular gift, it is!
Demonoflight: A regular gift, is it? Hmmm...
CyborgJohnSilver: why, ye shoul' see 'em at it! Fightin' away like cats an' dogs in t'ere (if ya'll excuse t'e pun)
Demonoflight: Well, I sure did hear them... >>;;
CyborgJohnSilver: I has ta ask ye, t'ough, lass - how did ye do it? How did ye... plan it out, as it were?
Demonoflight: Oh, I didn't plan it... It just.. came to me as I was speaking to them. *shrugs*
CyborgJohnSilver: aye, I know t'e feelin'!
CyborgJohnSilver: yer a natural, I'd say!
Demonoflight: You do?
Demonoflight: Really? *beams*
CyborgJohnSilver: aye, o' course! Why, if I could take on anot'er crew right now, ya'd be t'e firs' one I'd pick out!
Demonoflight: Wow... Neat!
Demonoflight: I always wanted to be a pirate! ^^
CyborgJohnSilver: oh, it's a righ' good life, if ya can avoid t'e coppers
Demonoflight: I'm good at hide-and-go-seek and I'm a fast runner. I think I could manage. *smiles*
CyborgJohnSilver: eh.. well... s'a start, I s'ppose..
Demonoflight: Not good, huh? *droops*
CyborgJohnSilver: eh, not ta discourage ya from a life o' crime bu'... ye'd need a tad more... experience
Demonoflight: Oh? Such as?
CyborgJohnSilver: t'ough, anyone who can break up t'e cap'n an' doc like T'AT, I mus' say... ye've got a wicked tongue in yer head, lass, ta conjure t'at up on t'e spot!
CyborgJohnSilver: Jus' wha' did ye say to t'em, anyways?
Demonoflight: Well... The captain was rather jealous of Doppler's little "fan club"... And I explained that to Doppler. And then the captain joined... And they went at it.
CyborgJohnSilver: I see...
Demonoflight: *nods* That was about it.
CyborgJohnSilver: ya sounded a tad... upset about t'ings on t'e community journal...?
CyborgJohnSilver: were t'at jus' fer face?
Demonoflight: Well... Yes. Yes, it was.
CyborgJohnSilver: an' t'e Doc t'inks ya really do care, t'en?
Demonoflight: He sure does.
CyborgJohnSilver: bu' really, ya did it all on purpose?
Demonoflight: I didn't mean to do this at all, but... It happened, and well... I can't say I'm too sorry. *shrugs*
CyborgJohnSilver: I see... so yer gla' about it all?
CyborgJohnSilver: well... fer t'e purp'ses of prosper'ty...
CyborgJohnSilver: I bes' be sendin' t'e doc a little copy o' t'is conversation t'en, eh?
CyborgJohnSilver: ah-heh heh...
Demonoflight: No, don't do that!
Demonoflight: I will do that. *grins*
CyborgJohnSilver: s'funny, lass...
CyborgJohnSilver: I'm gettin' t'e feelin'... t'at ye aren' tellin' me t'e whole truth...
Demonoflight: Oh, I am. Don't worry, I am.
CyborgJohnSilver: hmm...
Demonoflight: Don't worry, he'll get this convo.
CyborgJohnSilver: an' t'e communicator number alon' wit' it so he can pass me location on to t'e police, I suppose?
Demonoflight: Oh, no! Your secret's safe with me, Mr. Silver!
Demonoflight: You're too cool to be caught by the police.
CyborgJohnSilver: aye, t'at's true
CyborgJohnSilver: but hear t'is:
CyborgJohnSilver: if I t'ink fer one moment t'at I can' trust ye no more...
CyborgJohnSilver: may t'e heavens help ya
Demonoflight: Yes sir. I understand.
CyborgJohnSilver: jus' see t'at ye do.
CyborgJohnSilver: I t'ink t'e ol' Doc will be recievin' two copies o' t'is... jus' ta make sure...

Ah-heh, an' if I didn't hang up on her right t'en!

After t'at, I'm feelin' like a right ol' scoundrel now! I loves not'in' better t'an stirrin' up a bit o' trouble when I cans fin' it! Mus' say, it's cheered me up some, from yesserday. T'ings 'ave been goin' fer from my own way t'ese pas' few days.
T'ey've been runnin' me ragged down at t'e ol' Grease an' Bile - I've hardly had a chance ta do wha' I came ta do! I has ta lie low ta avoid been caught while I'm stuck here, an' t'e only way ta do t'at is ta work! An' t'e work t'ey've got me doin' is terrible! Who'd ever heard of a six-finish shift? T'at's six in t'e mornin' til ten at night! "Understaffed" is t'e word!

Well, after t'e las' time I skipped outta work an' were pulled up fer it, t'ey've been givin' me t'ese awful shifts as punishment an' I've been havin' ta do t'em 'cause t'ere ain't nowhare else t'at will take me. So I spent t'e las' long week workin' me bum off wit'out so much as a t'ank ya (I mean a fine-an-shell t'ank ya) an' wha' goes an' happens? At t'e end o' every long shift, I crawl back ta t'e forrest an' fin' whar I las' hid me skip, spend a good half hour boostin' it up (t'ese ol' skips ain't what t'ey used ta be, 'specially wit' t'e beatin' mine's taken!), sail all t'e way out ta Crescentia abou' midnight or later, finally reach t'e spaceport at any hour o' t'e mornin' an' scour it like a pan o' burnt bonzabeast stew from nook ta cranny, workin' me way roun' t'e whole bloody port bes' I can before headin' back fer me next shift at t'e Grease an' Bile, meanin' I've been workin' on only hours o' sleep at a time. I've been takin' naps durin' me evenin' break - I'm lucky I haven' fallen asleep an' drowned in t'e soup! Well, after a whole week o' t'is, I find t'e bloody comp'ny - closed, o' course - an' spend me next few days tryin' ta schmooze me way aroun' t'e workers, findin' out what I can, and, when I finally get a peek at t'e work t'ey're doin', would ya credit t'e ship warn't t'ere!
Now it war yesserday I foun' t'is out... I woulda written sooner, but it woulda all been in obscenities. As it were, I went ta fin' somewhat ta drink. An awful lot ta drink. An' tried ta gather me wits t'get'er. If t'e ship is fixed t'en t'at means it's back in t'e care o' t'e cap'n at t'e doc's house. T'at means I either have ta work Jimbo inta findin' it for me wit'out givin' too much away (an' I'm no' too sure I can trust him not ta look at t'e stuff, bein' t'e little con-artist t'at he is: "Oh, Silver, ye'll no' be goin' away from here jus' yet, I gots all yer safe-houses on file an' if ye'll no' be goin' anywhere wit'out time enough fer me ta send t'em ta t'e coppers! Ya'll be takin' me along witchas, I imagine!" Aye, I remember himt ryin' t'at one before, back on t'e planet!). Or me ot'er choice is ta get inta t'e house somehow an' get back out wit'out bein' caught. Jimbo is a nice enough lad, I don' mean ta say anyt'in' against him, bu' I've been t'inkin' t'is over a lot lately, tryin' ta keep meself goin' on t'em long shifts... I do miss ta lad, I warn't lyin abou' t'at, an' heavens know it's been tough wit'out ol' Morphy ta keep me comp'ny t'ese long nights, bu' t'ey've got him inta summer school now, swattin' him up ta get inta t'e Academy. He could really... ya know... make somet'in' o' hisself, like I always tol' him. I don't wanna ta ruin t'at by draggin' him down ta me own life. He has a future now, an' me... well. T'is says it all, doesn't it? I don't want him gettin' any ideas abou' leavin' it all behin'. He's been complainin' about all t'e work, hintin' t'at t'ere's ot'er t'ings he'd be better at doin', an' I don' want ta bring him inta all t'at. Well. I do, but it's probably not t'e bes' t'ing for him.

Ahem, bu' ol' Jimbo coul' get me in an' out o' t'e house, an' maybe if I don' tell him I'm leavin', he won't try any o' his ol' tricks.

Well, I'll t'ink o' somet'in'... At t'e moment, I needs ta catch some sleep afore I go daf'!
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