Oct 09, 2008 20:25
Killing time while my blood sugar comes up...
I find it weird and a bit creepy that Tom Cruise has taken out Web advertisements for himself.
Sara's cat is stalking Lulu. Charlie's just being his usual chill self. Other cat news: Lulu has also started leaving the kitchen area and venturing into other parts of the apartment. Progress!
I think I may have found a new way to not have to work at night, which is to stop chatting all the freaking time all day. No more daytime IM for me for a while, I think. Sigh. I will actually have to work.
Have plans to hit the pumpkin patch with my sister and possibly (probably?) E this weekend. (The original thought was to go to a corn maze, but my sister is afraid we'll get lost and never find our way out again and die. And she doesn't really want to spend the $15.)
On a totally unrelated note, he and I bought a membership to Costco this evening, but I'm guessing it won't last since the package sizes are mostly too big for one or two people. Plus, they don't seem to carry Triscuits. WTF? I did get a good deal on some tasty Lean Cuisines, though. Woo!
Ummm...what else? My sister is moving to Kansas to be with her boyfriend. Like, next week. I will miss her.
And I'm feeling better now. So I'm off.
Oh, but one final note: Cedar Crest's Mackinac Island Fudge ice cream is tasty. Yum.