
Jul 13, 2009 19:22

Dripping and dripping, a sickening plop
Skinny little dogs hanging by their skin
Sit in the corner and watch the flesh drop
Cats killed and eaten, I'm dripping with sin
The stench is unbeareable, oh, how to begin!

Dried out muscle sticking to all of the chains
Pools of blood soaked into the floor
No one has anything and nothing to gain
Mold growing in the corners, a knock at the door
And woe, we need visitors no more!

Stand in the dark and wait for the voice
The putrid stench wafts through as mustard gas
Choking on the air because he hasn't a choice
I wait till he falls, a crumpled-up mass
Drag him in and start feeding him glass

Crouched in the corner staring at the sky
The window is filthy, I see mostly dirt
Except I know that the sun is up there, so high
Wondering what it feels like to hurt
Because I'm not really sure what a life is worth

Dripping and dripping, a sickening plop
I look down at the floor with a lopsided grin
Sit in the corner and watch the flesh drop
Blood pooled on the floor and soaking right in
The stench in unbearable, oh, how to begin!


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