My first Breyer horse etch!

Jul 20, 2009 22:01

She's a bay roan rabicano appy filly. I haven't assigned a breed, but I'm considering AraAppaloosa or just going the easy route and saying she's some kind of Indian pony. If you have any suggestions, they'd be much appreciated.

A close-up of her markings.

Her other side. There's a lot of white at the base of the tail here, but it doesn't bother me personally, so... :D

A closeup of her other side.

And a weird shoulder-angle shot...

Anyway, if you can see from the pictures (because I don't look too closely at them) I did some black around the eyes and muzzle, and around the tips of the ears to mask the rubs from years play (I got her about '99).

Also, I made the legs all black and touched up the mane because the black didn't extend through it all. I also added a blaze, which you can sort of see in the first picture.

But now you're asking, "What was she originally?"

ANSWER: Classic scale mustang foal #649.

Red bay is her original color, with a star and four white leg markings.

I etched out the appaloosa/roan pattern with a combination of scissors and exacto-knife, and touched up the paint with just an average acrylic. You've probably noticed she's glossy--that's because we sprayed her with an enamel clear-coat that was actually meant to be sprayed on bumpers (a car part...duh) after they were painted, because it's not super high gloss.

She is currently NOT for sale.

Stay tuned for my next project--A repaint of Classic scale Arabian mare #3055 (the victim of a repaint in sixth grade that turned out just HORRIBLY. She's some kind of bizarre tovero wall-eyed nightmare!).

model horses, roan, appaloosa, rabicano, breyer, horses, custom

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