
Jul 13, 2009 19:41

I can't control this any longer
I think I'm gonna finally snap
Every day, they're getting stronger
Soon, I will collapse

It's like a virus I can't stop
Like a vicious cancer
Keep my anxiety at the top
But not searching for the answer

I'm the only one who cares
What goes on in my overstuffed head
Find the answer? They don't dare
Some days I think I'm better off dead

I can't talk to anyone
It's all about overreaction
They wonder why I have no fun
Why I'm lacking passion

Here it is, from the horse's mouth:
I'm crazier than you want to know
It won't affect me--kick me out
You care less than you care to show

Lazy assholes don't even care about my head
When I'm the most dangerous bomb they've faced
Any day they could be dead
Then my time would not be a waste

death, poetry, dark, insane

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