(no subject)

Feb 01, 2009 23:13

I made a couple of things recently. One is a necklace called "Evolution" for fairly obvious reasons..

...and photos of the skulls etched into the squares:

I watched the David Attenborough documentary about Darwin today. It was very good - no flashy nonsense, really. It was someone very well informed talking about something in an accessible and intelligent way, which makes a change from most of the documentaries you see on TV now..

And two more pieces:

(Some of you may recognise this. I wore it while in London a couple of weeks ago).

These are now in my etsy shop!

Another wonderful thing:
Here is a map of library cats across the world. It pleases me greatly to know someone has done this. I found it after trying to find the name of the cat that hangs around Dumfries' main library, the Ewart. It's "Blue", apparently. He's a fat and sleepy black and white cat who doesn't really flinch if you stroke him. Lovely beast.

metalwork, silver, necklace, cats, skeleton, jewellery

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