(no subject)

Apr 02, 2006 13:57

Would anyone like to go to the Victoria and Albert museum to see this Modernism exhibition? It runs from the 6th of April to the 23rd of July and costs £9 full price or £7 for a concession.

From September to January there's an exhibition at the V and A about Leonardo da Vinci as an inventor and engineer. I plan to go to see that as well, but that's a bit further away and this mention is mostly so I remember it!

I'm also tempted by this, which is "Americans in Paris 1860-1900" at the National Gallery. It's £9/£4.50 and finishes on the 21st of May.

My life is still being run by my course. I've been in the workshop five days every week for the past three or four weeks, which has led to seeing hammers and fire when I close my eyes, as well as my arms aching constantly..

My current project is due to be handed in tomorrow morning before 10am, and I've been frantically trying to do all the paperwork I need for it (all the design work you're supposed to do before hand. I like to do it afterwards). Unfortunately I didn't manage to finish the spoon that I've been making, which is irritating me a lot. Various technical problems thwarted me at the last minute. I've still got to clean it up (after heating the surface is covered in oxides and needs to be put into an acid solution and then sanded or polished or however you want to finish it), but that shouldn't take too long.

I'll try to get some photos of my most recent stuff up, though when that'll happen depends entirely on the whims of my digital camera. You might even get pictures of non-metalwork things!

My parents dropped off my sewing machine a couple of days ago, which was a joyful occasion. I have missed having it with me and have already got loads of ideas for things I want to make, including about three complete outfits (for Infest), at least three corsets (a girl can never have too many) and a variety of small bags. Having just done some rough machine embroidery/drawing with stitches/whatever I should call it of stylised spines for my project, I think I might make a couple of bags with things like that appliqued. I'll see what happens, anyway.

Oh, and I'm going to be free for a week or so (not Saturdays during the daytime, but I can get into London by about 7.30pm) in the Easter holidays. The dates are the 15th to the 23rd, so if anyone (preferably in the South, since I can't afford to go far) would like to do something in that time, send me a message. :)

raising, exhibitions

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