(no subject)

Feb 08, 2006 19:24

College is going all right, although the lack of one of our teachers doesn't help. She's not around and noone seems to know why. Even the technicians haven't been told! I hope she's okay..

Other news: I got a job! It's only a Saturday job but then again, that's pretty much exactly what I wanted. It's at a framing shop just aroudn the corner (literally) from my flat. They phoned me last week after I had an interview saying I hadn't got it, but then they phoned me today and asked if I was still interested. Woo!

Continuing my theme of only updating when I have work to show, here are some spoons. Yes, I'm going a bit spoon mad, but they're great fun to make!

Oh, click on the pictures for bigger versions, by the way - you can see the forged texture more clearly!

Forged silver spoons

Two sterling silver spoons forged from rod. They are about 2 3/4 inches long. I made the one on the right first, and I think the development from the first to the second shows. They have been partly polished, although the bowls need to be polished more in order to remove some scratches.


Showing the curve of the handles.


The left hand one has marks from the hammer on the bowl which are accentuated by the polishing but I don't think that's a bad thing.

I'm pretty pleased with them, especially the one on the left. I see myself making lots of spoons.

If anyone wants I'll make you one for £25, though it would obviously not be identical to the ones pictured.

spoon, metalwork, forging

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