Jun 06, 2004 18:54

Why is it, that no matter what I do, I still can't get Winamp to work properly. It's one of these programms that even I should be able to use, and I can, it's just always fucking up on me.

Does anyone know how I can stop it from saying "Winamp has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." everytime I play a song that has been uploaded from a CD? And the heartless piece of crap says "We are sorry for the inconvienience." No you're not... If you were really that sorry, you would do something about it. And this company forgets that it is a programme that has no feelings and therefore cannot feel apologetic.

Well now I think the only way to end this entry is with a nice solid 'shove Winamp up your arse' GRRRRRR!!!
Ok so I feel better but I am still being deprived off some really good music!

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