Mar 19, 2023 15:14
- Sat, 16:05: I wonder if there'd be any interest in a @ KemonoMahjong spin-off game that used Chinese Competition Rules (MCR) instead of Riichi.
- Sat, 16:10: Feeling kinda down today. Pet pics please? #weltschmerz #solastalgia
- Sat, 16:26: RT @ mikerugnetta: Increasingly I think its worth treating these people like animals behind glass, and Twitter the zoo. Free school lunches…
- Sat, 16:26: RT @ mikerugnetta: Also, “how do we pay for this” is not a serious question. There are multiple obvious answers. Anyone who asks this is rea…
- Sat, 17:32: RT @ sewzinski: Yeah so they can take your phone back to the squad car, start flipping through your unlocked phone. You also now have no wa…
- Sat, 17:34: RT @ Brocklesnitch: Police pushing back protestors so that Nazis can walk by doing the salute - this is the transphobe movement. Only one si…
- Sat, 17:36: RT @ RottenInDenmark: Every "cancel culture" story:
- Sat, 17:54: RT @ victimadvoc8: FPTP isn't leadership
- Sat, 22:37: RT @ dorsalstream: Conservatives when a single child receives a free school lunch
- Sat, 22:47: RT @ sami_baaj: Great article by James Di Fiore! @ theJagmeetSingh should indeed force @ JustinTrudeau to flip back to proportional represent…
- Sat, 22:50: "If we could point to one absolute failure of leadership from @ JustinTrudeau, one that took something he held near-and-dear and watched him trade his principles for political survival, it would have to be his flip-flop on #ProportionalRepresentation" #cdnpoli @ theJagmeetSingh
- Sat, 22:51: RT @ DouglasTodd: So many examples of Trudeau lying - and now re #China @ IvisonJ reminds of the first doozy: His broken promise on electoral…
- Sat, 23:58: Had a good game of #mahjong against some friends tonight. :^) @ KemonoMahjong
- Sun, 05:28: RT @ Socialists4PR: If the working class in the UK is to advance, we have to get rid of a system which routinely lets the Tories have all th…
- Sun, 09:47: RT @ Penalosa_G: #Density is NOT synonymous to tall buildings. Cities can get the SAME quantity of units in 6 floors next to each other than…
- Sun, 09:49: RT @ JuliusGoat: on one hand, we have extremists who push anti-democracy insurrection and nazi conspiracy theories on the other we have ext…
- Sun, 09:51: RT @ aetiology: This is the opposite of public health.
- Sun, 14:50: RT @ CheriDiNovo: FACT: 21 Billion less than we need on #healthcare so those without the means will suffer or worse
- Sun, 15:08: RT @ tribelaw: A brilliant account of the rise of White Christofascism, why it cannot succeed without devouring democracy and bringing Ameri…