why I am Cranked offcyberwolf2020October 7 2004, 05:28:11 UTC
The major reasons why I am pissed off: it was the last straw: Rick publically embrassed me on a public forum...I had a problem an I tried to quietly work it out with him...I attended his house earlier in the night for the roleplay. But what I didn't know was that he had made a post on L.J earlier in the day. So yes I was frustrated about game. And yes I questioned rick about this so called source of info by his charcater. Out of charcter info has become In charcter info in the past and I was concerned that it might happen again. So When I come home and got on the internet...Look, there Ricks post about our converation of the other night....And my concerns that I was talking privately to him. For the Record I KNOW 7th Seas is not the cam But if you get burned enough times it does creep into the back of ur mind....And don't tell it doesn't. so I come home and see that he made the post earlier in the day. When I was at his house he made no mention of his post...I feel that he didn't respect me to tell me about the post. Yes it his journal but I guess I woundn't enflame the situation by posting on lj about it. Rick is smart: he knew I was upset and did he did think it piss me off more by having our converation spread across the L.j I think he didn't care. Yes I know I have a porblem with taking the game personally. I am trying to work on it. So while Im working on it Rick puts up his post..His actions say to me Wolf I give a fuck less about you or how you feel. I felt that Rick put the infomation on Lj o get everyone pissed at me...an look, his comment equals everyone pissed at me before I replied. Yes I shouldnt have made a public post...Its was better for me to vent now...then wait a month and get into a fight at the game. Because I am so pissed if I had seen him on the street..It would have lead to volience. I asked Renee at ricks house to confirm the info...And not a second later Renee repiled in the same words that rick had said not a sec earlier. it seemed so fast And when its comes to rick I have been Lied to before by plot. Yep another can of worms. Plot lied to me about rick actions in the last game. After the game I asked plot if rick had become a villian for his actions and I was told several different reasons....Wolf he was a npc, etc. No one could make up there mind on the what to tell me. So I took it wolf...u got fucked and we dont care if you live or die. And you dont think I have don't have alot to lose here...I lose most of my friends in a single swoop, possible the women I love, because everyone is friends.I know when I leave no one will care that I left...it will only be thank the gods he is gone. I told rick that " I forgive but never forget" and I haven't. he cannot understand why I am pissed. I have several other reasons: but who cares, really, does anyone.....Im not going to waste ur time or mine. I know that this letter wont change anyone mind...and really do I care...time will tell
Re: why I am Cranked offrmusic1971October 7 2004, 08:31:13 UTC
"Yes it his journal but I guess I woundn't enflame the situation by posting on lj about it."
Hmmm...as I seem to recall...it is this very post which started off with RICK FUCK YOU! and coincided with the voice mail I received stating the same...umm this is an LJ post right? and this does seem a bit more inflammatory than anything I've posted.
Whatever Wolf. I have tried several times to talk to you about what happened last game. Whether, you agree or not with my choice I would think you would want to hear the full reasoning, but you never do. You just tell me its done and you would have found some different way etc. If your going to keep holding the actions of my previous character against any other character I play then I'd have to say your the one using out of character cheese to justify your actions. I thought it was amusing (out of character because Andoryan does not know) that while you have been telling me you want to talk, you have simultaneously been attacking Andoryan's character by suggesting he is some sort of manipulative influence to Dr. Dulcinea. This is also, not the information he has that makes him concerned about Lord Ravenwood. As I said, he is not aware of this. However, it is exactly this type of thing that makes Andoryan concerned about him. On one hand you tell me you want him to be the quintessential hero and try to be visibly active in duels and championing things for the town...then on the other hand you make attempts at character assassination for no good reason. The gem thing really does not fulfill the definition I think of when picturing the quintessential hero either. So while I still have not revealed to you the particular information Andoryan has about Lord Ravenwood that bothers him...there are at least 2 examples of things you are doing with Lord Ravenwood that fall much more into the category of something that a Villain would do, or even just a somewhat unscrupulous character...but certainly not the quintessential hero. The fact that you try so hard to be that hero publicly and then portray things completely to the contrary behind closed doors is part of what Andoryan is concerned about.
On a different note... "when its comes to rick I have been Lied to before by plot" You were just last night saying how you trust every member of plot implicitly...yada yada. So basically your saying thats a lie...you don't trust plot, because you feel that the will lie to other PC's about my actions because I'm so favored or some such thing. Sounds like more of a blame game for perceived failures by your characters. Not everything is someone elses fault. For the record, I don't think plot ever told me one way or another officially if Kitel had become a Villain. Kitel certainly does not think of himself as a villain and never will. However, I (that would be Rick...THE PLAYER of the character) can certainly see how he could have been deemed to have become a villain. I am sure it will be somewhat less satisfying for you to hear that it was not eating Arakin that caused that in my eyes though...but when I ate the 2 Porte sorceress' that I enlisted to help get Vulcan in there. Especially given that they were "innocents" or at least believed to be, or the portal would not have opened as it did. Truthful or not, thats what Kitel believed and even if they were the most heinously foul people on the planet...the fact that he believed them to be good but still killed them to prevent Vulcan from escaping...I would be completely fine with plot saying...yes Kitel is now a villain. Once again, Kitel does not think of himself as one, because he believes if everyone on the island had to die in order to prevent Vulcan from escaping and terrorizing the world...well thats acceptable because it serves the greater good.
Ok, so making this post in between calls and it has become a bit disjointed and I've lost my train of thought so posting as is.
Re: why I am Cranked offsukidaOctober 7 2004, 21:24:04 UTC
Well, perhaps you and Rick had entirely seperate ideas of the privacy level of that little interlude. Obviously. As for OOC becoming IC, that is solely your paranoia. I'm not saying that it doesn't happen. Of course it does. Everyone makes mistakes. I've seen you do it. I've seen other people do it. I'm sure I've even done it now and then. However, that doesn't mean by any stretch of the imagination that it is something you should fear, nor does it mean it is something that you should constantly hold against people... whether they have commited it or not. It's human to err. Try getting past your grudge with that. It'll help you're own emotional state -bundles-, since you get so caught up in game.
As for knowing 7th Seas is not the Cam... No. That's bullshit. Obviously you -don't- know that. And you -don't- trust your friends, or the people around you, NOR can you forgive for past transgressions! Otherwise you would not still be holding this particular irritation so close to heart! You know, they say that the things we hate most in other's are the things we see in ourselves...
Rick is very smart, yes. Doesn't mean he is a mind-reader though. Nor does that mean he's always going to anticipate your reaction. Bad Rick. How dare you not read minds... Now I'm curious... Why -exactly- do you think Rick would want a whole mess of people mad at you? What benefit is that to him? Logically? Why would Rick want to open a can of worms, within a game he loves, which he is a Player Advocate for (i.e. someone to help take care of exactly these sorts of issues...). Why would he do that? Really? Not asking you to be a mind reader here, but you're the one with the supposition that we're all against you and dammit, it's all Rick premeditated doing. So I want to know where you draw this conclusion from.
Ok, I would like to reiterate... Bullshit. For all your posturing, you're tough guy act, and whatever muscle might be hidden in there, you wouldn't get into a fight with anyone at game. You always threaten. You never follow through. I've broken more people than you have. Drop the act. You are not the alpha, or the beta, or perhaps even the omega. It pisses me off every goddamn time you do that and I'd personally appreciate the testosterone level in the room dropping another couple of notches. Thanks.
I'm not sure where you are getting the info that plot lied to you, but I'd appreciate it if you'd tell me. Rick, so far as I know, has never been an NPC. I, personally, am a bit hurt by that remark considering how much work all of us as plot put into making that last game as awesome as possible, how stressed out we all were, and how angry we all were by the end of it. After all of your 'Oh I know how much work plot does for us!' bullshit!! How -DARE- you even claim to appreciate what plot works for and puts up with?!! You pretentious asshole! How -DARE- you call Rick the backstabber here!!! You and your arrogance! You and you're 'I can do this job so much better than Chris' attitude! How! Fucking! DARE!!! You!!!! ... Ahem. Ok, I'm done with that. Got a bit rilled up there... Again, I don't see how plot lied to you. All of us have told you all along since that game that PC actions are PC actions. We have no hand in them. If you have another example of how plot has lied to you, feel free to let us know. I highly doubt you'll want to talk with me for awhile and ya know, I'm ok with that. We're all going to need time to calm down after this. We'll all get over it however.
In closing, I have only a few more comments. Very simple ones... 1. Cut the 'poor me' bullshit. No one is going to stand here and make you feel better about yourself for it. No one is going to hold your hand. NO ONE is going to tell you that you didn't fuck up here. You're a man, last I groped. Act like one. 2. I don't know what kind of friends you've had in the past, but where I come from, friends are precious. Friends also are human, make mistakes, get angry, fight, have arguments, snap at each other, fail to understand one another, and sometimes act alot like a pack of pups trying to establish dominance over one another...
Re: why I am Cranked offsukidaOctober 7 2004, 21:24:25 UTC
The thing is, friends put up with all that for the sake of friends. Friends don't just ditch because of a disagreement. Friends don't just jump ship when things get rough. Friends don't let you get off easy though either. Friends are the people who slap you upside the head when you're being stupid, even thoug they know you'll resent them for it. Friends are the people who -care- enough to be pissed off when you do something stupid and detrimental to yourself, or others. It is possible for people, lover's included, to completely and utterly blow up at one another and still be friends. I certainly don't hate you. I have no intention to stop being your friend unless you chose to make it so. I am ROYALLY ticked off at you... or rather, I was. But being ticked off at you doesn't make me hate you, or despise you, nor does it make me care about you any less than before.
it was the last straw:
Rick publically embrassed me on a public forum...I had a problem an I tried to quietly work it out with him...I attended his house earlier in the night for the roleplay. But what I didn't know was that he had made a post on L.J earlier in the day. So yes I was frustrated about game. And yes I questioned rick about this so called source of info by his charcater. Out of charcter info has become In charcter info in the past and I was concerned that it might happen again. So When I come home and got on the internet...Look, there Ricks post about our converation of the other night....And my concerns that I was talking privately to him. For the Record I KNOW 7th Seas is not the cam But if you get burned enough times it does creep into the back of ur mind....And don't tell it doesn't. so I come home and see that he made the post earlier in the day. When I was at his house he made no mention of his post...I feel that he didn't respect me to tell me about the post. Yes it his journal but I guess I woundn't enflame the situation by posting on lj about it. Rick is smart: he knew I was upset and did he did think it piss me off more by having our converation spread across the L.j I think he didn't care. Yes I know I have a porblem with taking the game personally. I am trying to work on it. So while Im working on it Rick puts up his post..His actions say to me Wolf I give a fuck less about you or how you feel. I felt that Rick put the infomation on Lj o get everyone pissed at me...an look, his comment equals everyone pissed at me before I replied. Yes I shouldnt have made a public post...Its was better for me to vent now...then wait a month and get into a fight at the game. Because I am so pissed if I had seen him on the street..It would have lead to volience. I asked Renee at ricks house to confirm the info...And not a second later Renee repiled in the same words that rick had said not a sec earlier. it seemed so fast And when its comes to rick I have been Lied to before by plot. Yep another can of worms. Plot lied to me about rick actions in the last game. After the game I asked plot if rick had become a villian for his actions and I was told several different reasons....Wolf he was a npc, etc. No one could make up there mind on the what to tell me. So I took it wolf...u got fucked and we dont care if you live or die. And you dont think I have don't have alot to lose here...I lose most of my friends in a single swoop, possible the women I love, because everyone is friends.I know when I leave no one will care that I left...it will only be thank the gods he is gone. I told rick that " I forgive but never forget" and I haven't. he cannot understand why I am pissed.
I have several other reasons: but who cares, really, does anyone.....Im not going to waste ur time or mine. I know that this letter wont change anyone mind...and really do I care...time will tell
Hmmm...as I seem to recall...it is this very post which started off with RICK FUCK YOU! and coincided with the voice mail I received stating the same...umm this is an LJ post right? and this does seem a bit more inflammatory than anything I've posted.
Whatever Wolf. I have tried several times to talk to you about what happened last game. Whether, you agree or not with my choice I would think you would want to hear the full reasoning, but you never do. You just tell me its done and you would have found some different way etc. If your going to keep holding the actions of my previous character against any other character I play then I'd have to say your the one using out of character cheese to justify your actions. I thought it was amusing (out of character because Andoryan does not know) that while you have been telling me you want to talk, you have simultaneously been attacking Andoryan's character by suggesting he is some sort of manipulative influence to Dr. Dulcinea. This is also, not the information he has that makes him concerned about Lord Ravenwood. As I said, he is not aware of this. However, it is exactly this type of thing that makes Andoryan concerned about him. On one hand you tell me you want him to be the quintessential hero and try to be visibly active in duels and championing things for the town...then on the other hand you make attempts at character assassination for no good reason. The gem thing really does not fulfill the definition I think of when picturing the quintessential hero either. So while I still have not revealed to you the particular information Andoryan has about Lord Ravenwood that bothers him...there are at least 2 examples of things you are doing with Lord Ravenwood that fall much more into the category of something that a Villain would do, or even just a somewhat unscrupulous character...but certainly not the quintessential hero. The fact that you try so hard to be that hero publicly and then portray things completely to the contrary behind closed doors is part of what Andoryan is concerned about.
On a different note...
"when its comes to rick I have been Lied to before by plot"
You were just last night saying how you trust every member of plot implicitly...yada yada. So basically your saying thats a lie...you don't trust plot, because you feel that the will lie to other PC's about my actions because I'm so favored or some such thing. Sounds like more of a blame game for perceived failures by your characters. Not everything is someone elses fault. For the record, I don't think plot ever told me one way or another officially if Kitel had become a Villain. Kitel certainly does not think of himself as a villain and never will. However, I (that would be Rick...THE PLAYER of the character) can certainly see how he could have been deemed to have become a villain. I am sure it will be somewhat less satisfying for you to hear that it was not eating Arakin that caused that in my eyes though...but when I ate the 2 Porte sorceress' that I enlisted to help get Vulcan in there. Especially given that they were "innocents" or at least believed to be, or the portal would not have opened as it did. Truthful or not, thats what Kitel believed and even if they were the most heinously foul people on the planet...the fact that he believed them to be good but still killed them to prevent Vulcan from escaping...I would be completely fine with plot saying...yes Kitel is now a villain. Once again, Kitel does not think of himself as one, because he believes if everyone on the island had to die in order to prevent Vulcan from escaping and terrorizing the world...well thats acceptable because it serves the greater good.
Ok, so making this post in between calls and it has become a bit disjointed and I've lost my train of thought so posting as is.
As for knowing 7th Seas is not the Cam... No. That's bullshit. Obviously you -don't- know that. And you -don't- trust your friends, or the people around you, NOR can you forgive for past transgressions! Otherwise you would not still be holding this particular irritation so close to heart! You know, they say that the things we hate most in other's are the things we see in ourselves...
Rick is very smart, yes. Doesn't mean he is a mind-reader though. Nor does that mean he's always going to anticipate your reaction. Bad Rick. How dare you not read minds... Now I'm curious... Why -exactly- do you think Rick would want a whole mess of people mad at you? What benefit is that to him? Logically? Why would Rick want to open a can of worms, within a game he loves, which he is a Player Advocate for (i.e. someone to help take care of exactly these sorts of issues...). Why would he do that? Really? Not asking you to be a mind reader here, but you're the one with the supposition that we're all against you and dammit, it's all Rick premeditated doing. So I want to know where you draw this conclusion from.
Ok, I would like to reiterate... Bullshit. For all your posturing, you're tough guy act, and whatever muscle might be hidden in there, you wouldn't get into a fight with anyone at game. You always threaten. You never follow through. I've broken more people than you have. Drop the act. You are not the alpha, or the beta, or perhaps even the omega. It pisses me off every goddamn time you do that and I'd personally appreciate the testosterone level in the room dropping another couple of notches. Thanks.
I'm not sure where you are getting the info that plot lied to you, but I'd appreciate it if you'd tell me. Rick, so far as I know, has never been an NPC. I, personally, am a bit hurt by that remark considering how much work all of us as plot put into making that last game as awesome as possible, how stressed out we all were, and how angry we all were by the end of it. After all of your 'Oh I know how much work plot does for us!' bullshit!! How -DARE- you even claim to appreciate what plot works for and puts up with?!! You pretentious asshole! How -DARE- you call Rick the backstabber here!!! You and your arrogance! You and you're 'I can do this job so much better than Chris' attitude! How! Fucking! DARE!!! You!!!! ... Ahem. Ok, I'm done with that. Got a bit rilled up there... Again, I don't see how plot lied to you. All of us have told you all along since that game that PC actions are PC actions. We have no hand in them. If you have another example of how plot has lied to you, feel free to let us know. I highly doubt you'll want to talk with me for awhile and ya know, I'm ok with that. We're all going to need time to calm down after this. We'll all get over it however.
In closing, I have only a few more comments. Very simple ones...
1. Cut the 'poor me' bullshit. No one is going to stand here and make you feel better about yourself for it. No one is going to hold your hand. NO ONE is going to tell you that you didn't fuck up here. You're a man, last I groped. Act like one.
2. I don't know what kind of friends you've had in the past, but where I come from, friends are precious. Friends also are human, make mistakes, get angry, fight, have arguments, snap at each other, fail to understand one another, and sometimes act alot like a pack of pups trying to establish dominance over one another...
The thing is, friends put up with all that for the sake of friends. Friends don't just ditch because of a disagreement. Friends don't just jump ship when things get rough. Friends don't let you get off easy though either. Friends are the people who slap you upside the head when you're being stupid, even thoug they know you'll resent them for it. Friends are the people who -care- enough to be pissed off when you do something stupid and detrimental to yourself, or others. It is possible for people, lover's included, to completely and utterly blow up at one another and still be friends. I certainly don't hate you. I have no intention to stop being your friend unless you chose to make it so. I am ROYALLY ticked off at you... or rather, I was. But being ticked off at you doesn't make me hate you, or despise you, nor does it make me care about you any less than before.
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