[OOC] Application - Singularity

Sep 25, 2015 13:20

Player Information ;
Your Nickname: Stefan
OOC Journal: dragoon1940
Under 18? Nope.
Email/IM: dragoon1940 @ gmail dot com / dragoon1940
Characters Played at Singularity: Garrus Vakarian

Character Information ;

Name: Megatron
Name of Canon: Transformers: Animated
Canon/AU/Other Game CR: Other Game CR - specifically thewake_rp 
Reference: Wiki link
Canon Point: Post-canon.


Little is known of Megatron's origins, before he began his revolution and civil war. However, begin a war he did. Megatron began a war against "Autubot tyranny" on his home planet, the mechanical world of Cybertron. He lead his Decepticon Army against the ruling Autobot council. He and his army were vicious and shrewed combatants and were more than a match for most Autobots in combat. However, the Autobots possessed an artifact of great power, that provided them with near limitless energy: the Allspark. Despite this disadvantage Megatron and his Decepticons were persistent. The Autobots were finally forced to send the Allspark through one of their space-bridges to keep it from falling into Megatron's hands.

The Decepticon leader immediately departed the Cybertronian battlefields to hunt down the Allspark and recover it for his own use, leaving many Decepticons to fight on without him - or, as it turned out, to retreat to the outer rim of the galaxy and await his command. Eons passed. Megatron passed into legend, a myth to scare Autobots, a name whispered in the dark. A terror from out of the depths of time. Four million years later the Allspark finally came to light once more. A group of Autobot maintenance workers had unearthed it on an asteroid while repairing a space-bridge. Megatron attacked, intending to sieze the Allspark for himself. Unfortunately for him, his ambitious and backstabbing second-in-command Starscream planted a bomb on his chassis, which exploded during the battle, critically wounding him.

He and the Autobots and their ship were hurled through a space bridge and emerged over the planet Earth. Even wounded, Megatron proved to be more then a match for the Autobots on board and was poised to sieze the Allspark when Optimus Prime successfully ejected him from the craft. He free-fell to earth, offline. His head and severed hand were later recovered by Issac Sumdac. Sumdac used these parts to reverse engineer robotics technology and usher in a new age of technological innovation on Earth.

Fifty years later, Sari Sumdac snuck into her father's lab using a key that had been imbued with part of the Allspark's power. It consequently re-awoke Megatron, who was outraged at Starscream's betrayal and his own failure to seize the Allspark. With very few options, he might have rotted away forever. That was not to be his fate. Watching and waiting from within Sumdac's lair, he did his utmost to maneuver events towards his advantage and successfully tricked Issac Sumdac into assisting him regain his body, as well as summoning loyal Decepticon soldiers to his aid.

Rebuilt and as strong as ever, he paid back his treacherous second-in-command with death (although it would prove impermanent)and attempted to seize the Allspark for the third time in his life. However, Optimus Prime again prevented him, shattering the Allspark into pieces and scattering them across the world. Undeterred, Megatron withdrew to a secret fortress outside of Detroit to plot his eventual takeover of the entire galaxy. It was at this point that he "awoke", drawn into Nautilus by power beyond his ken.

Canon History - Post-Wake

Although he had entered Nautilus and Awoken, time still rolled on in his own world and he managed to view events as they transpired. He watched as he battled not only Optimus, but also Starscream for control of the Allspark fragments and eventually the galaxy. Despite setbacks, he persevered. His Decepticon agents had managed to obtain information and plans vital to the war effort and (despite a round-galaxy trip thanks to malfunctioning space-bridge technology) he was poised for victory with several Decepticon copies of the powerful Omega Supreme at his beck and call. Unfortunately for Megatron, he was again foiled at the last moment by Optimus Prime and the other Autobots. He was dragged to Cybertron in chains.


When Megatron awoke he was disoriented and infuriated. However, he quickly established himself as a power to be reckoned with inside the city, despite his low power compared to Ameras, Cyrus and the other rulers of the city. With the presence of Blitzwing and Starscream, he felt secure in being able to defeat any enemy who might challenge him in the new realm of existence. He successfully recruited one Lieutenant Rip van Winkle to his cause as well. Recognizing that fighting within the city was pointless, he brokered a truce with the Autobots - one that remains in place to this day.

However, Megatron experienced death and setback when Starscream slew Cyrus in an attempt to sieze power for himself. The Decepticon leader was slain attempting to bring his erstwhile subordinate to heel. He returned, as all Wakened do when slain, infuriated. However, his anger abated when he realized the suffering Starscream had gone through. Although he would never admit it, he was slightly rattled by the apparent change that had been wrought to the unfortunate seeker.

Megatron also participated in the short-lived attempt spear-headed by Thomas Jefferson to bring government and order to the city. Suffice to say it did not last. Content with the relative anarchy for the moment, Megatron settled down to bide his time, increase his power and wait. He was not disappointed. He became an Angelii, beginning his slow move up the power structure of the Wakened.

During this time he began to develop an odd sort of grudging respect for Optimus Prime - the two became allies of a sort. Certainly not friends, but they were willing to work together. He and Starscream also learned to treat each other with something coming close to civility as they realized that there old squabbles had no place in Nautilus - what was the point of bickering over leadership of an army that wasn't around or for a galaxy that, given enough time, they might be able to create themselves? Curiously, he has also developed odd feelings of paternal protection and respect for Sari Sumdac (in a way, he views her techno-organic self as the next step in Cybertronian evolution), as well as for Lieutenant van Winkle.

When Isis first arrived in Nautilus, Megatron opposed her from the beginning - he would not accept her proposals or her help in gaining his goals in his home universe. He was his own ruler, not one to bend knee. He helped organize the resistance to her and was infuriated when Blitzwing ultimately chose to side with her. He was among those who helped drive her out of the city. From there, he began building his power again, preparing for the ultimate showdown that would one day come and helped to repair the damage to the city.

He was rather infuriated when "his" district (The West) was rampaged through by Vincent Valentine, who had no control over his powers at the time. Despite a tense showdown between himself and other citizens of the city, Megatron eventually acquiesced to their decisions regarding Vincent's punishment.

As time continued to wear on, he found that he enjoyed the advantages of being able to take human form. He developed a taste for tea and since then uses the human form mostly to interact with the humans of Nautilus in person. It's easier then bending down or picking them up, after all. It also seemed to be advantageous when dealing with buildings.

There was a short-lived conflict with arriving Millennium members, but that was nipped in the bud when Rip van Winkle chose to turn on the Major and kill him for the good of the city. Satisfied, Megatron settled in for the long haul again. He was not disappointed. He was chosen to ascend again - this time to Ashura. Quite confident in his own abilities now, he openly declared himself ruler and Ashura of the West. There were few to no objections.

As the Wakened of Nautilus prepared to make war on Isis again, Megatron once again took a leadership role and played a key part in planning the assault on the City of Glass. He personally led a strike team to one of the gates and then helped lead another group below the senate to release yet another seal. He was present at the destruction of Isis and helped slay her, perhaps permanently.

Since then he has been biding his time, mostly lurking in the Western District and doing his best to get along with the citizens of Nautilus, as infuriating as they are at times. He has his arguments, his good days and his bad days. But he will continue to live and he will continue to wait. He has an eternity, after all.
Of course that's when life throws him a curveball and tosses him into Singularity.


Megatron is an ambitious and cunning Cybertronian who has been online for over four million years and fully believes in his own cause and does not care who he has to hurt to achieve his ultimate goal. He callously disregards any and all human (or other bystander) casualties as "collateral damage". He maintains his leadership of the Decepticons through his sheer power and force of personality. Megatron is well aware of his own abilities in combat, which are extensive, and he will not hesitate to use force if he believes it is the best way to get what he wants.

He is a cunning and shrewd leader, capable of planning for the long-term and perfectly willing to lie, cheat, or steal to achieve his goals. his mind is analytical and odds are that he is almost always planning for the future and for every possible contingency. Force is not always necessary and he is perfectly content to manipulate or simply talk if he believes it will be advantageous. He is perfectly willing to be patient, to bide his time and wait for an advantageous moment - patience is, after all, a virtue. He has lived for millions stellar cycles and a few more won't hurt him.

He does not tolerate treachery and deals with it ruthlessly and efficiently (unless the target happens to be immortal like certain treacherous Cybertronians). He will tolerate some stupidity, to a point, if said stupid person is loyal. Megatron will not terminate those who fail him. Unless, of course, failure becomes a habit.

Megatron is incredibly charismatic and finds it easy enough to sway others to see his point of view, although this typically relies on lying through his dental plating. Despite his rather vicious temper, he has it under control. Most of the time. When he finally does lose it, pity the poor soul who stands in his way.

His time in Nautilus has changed him, although to what degree is probably impossible to say. He is more tolerant of other species and takes an active interest in the well-being of others, especially those in "his" district, mainly because looking after them ensures his own safety and success, as well as building on his image in the eyes of the community. There are several others who, it seems, he might actually give a damn about.

He is aware that Nautilus is changing him and it sometimes disturbs him - however, he does not feel he can stop it nor should he try. It is simply something he will adapt to and overcome.

Abilities and Weaknesses:

Physical Powers

Megatron, as a Cybertronian, has the ability to shift between a helicopter "alternate" mode and a humanoid, robotic mode at will. He possesses vast combat power and a fusion cannon with the ability to blast through steel like it was butter. In addition, he is immensely strong and exceptionally skilled at hand-to-hand combat against fellow Cybertronians. He is a literal juggernaut when he enters any battlefield and he can shrug off immense damage when in his Cybertronian form. It's hard to actually stop him. He can also fly.

In human form he's simply a normal human, although in decent physical shape.

Mental Abilities

Megatron, as noted, is a cunning strategist and quick thinker. He will plan and wait and wait until the time is right for him to strike. He will nurse grudges or hurts for eons until unleashing a devestating hammer-blow against the enemy. He is also skilled with all things technological - he has an understanding of it, although he's certainly no scientist. He does have massive computing ability, after all.

Of course, his own self-confidence can be his own downfall. He finds it hard to fathom that there are those out there who can actually match him in terms of wits or smarts or any other sort of ability and this tends to blindside him from time to time.


While in Nautilus, Megatron has learned the art of Bending and essentially moved up the ranks of the bending-capable to become something of a minor god. Naturally, this will be severely toned down once he enters Singularity and he'll have to figure it all out on his own again. Suffice to say that Bending is manipulating the very fabric of reality itself and as an Ashura he's supposed to do it. A few of the things he can do:

-Transform between human and Cybertronian shape (would like to keep this one in-game, if possible). He sometimes turns into a bird of prey as well. Although it now goes smoothly and easily in Nautilus, it used to be incredibly painful and difficult. This may reassert itself.

-Erect a powerful defensive shield around himself.

-Create objects from nothing. This includes tea and tea cups and up to buildings or even whole landscapes gien time and concentration. Naturally, this will be severely curtailed and likely be one of the powers he is unable to access.

-Teleport from place to place. Also likely to be unavailable to him.

Inventory: Clothing, a tea set, and a communicator from Nautilus.


As a Cybertronian he is a massive robot and possesses the ability to turn into a helicopter of some sort (note: not actually that toy-like).

His human appearance and PB are based off of Garou, whom I will be using to represent him when in human form.

When assuming bird shape, he tends to favor an osprey.

Age: Over five million stellar cycles and counting.

OC/AU Justification ;
If AU, How is Your Version Different From Canon, and How Will That Come Across?
Please see personality/history section!

If OC, Did You Run Your Character Through a Mary-Sue Litmus Test?
And What Did You Score?

Samples ;
Log Sample:

He was growing weary of Nautilus. It wasn't as if he was about to run off and vanish into the cosmos anytime soon, but the petty squabbling of so many humans and other lesser beings tended to grate on him. Surprisingly enough, even Starscream was a welcome respite from dealing with humans and others. Despite Megatron's growing respect for humans (especially Rip van Winkle), they're depressingly short lifespans meant they had no sense of perspective. Megatron sighed and lifted his cup of tea. Day after day, week after week, sitting in his base and simply planning.

Ah well. He was used to it. He took a long sip and then set the cup aside and stod. Maybe he would take a look around his district today. See if anything as amiss. He took one step forward, already reaching out, searching for the threads that would take him back to his Cybertronian (his true) form and-

He fell. It was as if the floor had never been there. For a long, horrible moment he felt a sense of helplessness (which he absolutely detested, the detached, clinical part of him said - he was never helpless) and then he hit the ground with a jarring thud. He scrabbled at the floor, cursing the weak human form and it's inability to take even minor falling damage. Bones broke far too easily for his taste. He swayed and stood - had some idiot taken the floor out from under him?

He stared upward, eyes narrowing as he began to calculate, the gears of his mind turning. This was not Nautilus. It was a singularity, a vast room full of scrap, flotsam and jetsam. He checked his communicator and came up with nothing but static and white noise. Of course - there, a device on his wrist. He tapped it, examined it - it certainly wasn't Cybertronian. Human perhaps? No matter. Why was he wondering about this world, this place? He would simply return. He had but to find the correct threads and-

He couldn't do it. His bending was... weaker, somehow. Inaccessible. Impossible.

Someone was going to pay for this.

Network Sample:

[The picture fizzles and a man in his thirties appears, peering at his device with a deep, penetrating glare. It might be a bit familiar if you've ever been on the end of it before.]

I demand to be returned to Nautilus at once. I have business there and this unfortunate, maddening side trip is rather detrimental to both my long-term plans and the long-term survival of whomever thought it entertaining to snatch me from my new home. I have had enough of these sidetrips and distractions.

Now. I believe that someone owes me an explanation.


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