Death Unto Darkness Event 3

Jul 04, 2010 21:56

Tzeentch cultists, Tyranids and heretical Rogue Traders. Hell yeah!

Great event, very good atmosphere, genuine sense of impending doom as ammo and medical supplies ran out (at one point on the Saturday, we actually ran out of bolt ammo in camp. That's it. No ammo. Time to draw that standard issue Close Combat Weapon and get hacking!), leading to an EPIC showdown against eeevil eldritch Tzeentchian horrors and a corrupted Rogue Trader's crew.

I recall reading of a failed advance by British forces in the vicnity of the village of Tilly during the Battle for Normandy in WW2 while standing just outside the town, and trying to picture what a 'failed advance' actually means. Well, we had a perfect example this event during that final encounter as the players, led by the heavy armoured Sororitas and Astartes Initiates, charged right into a withering hail of fire and ended up being forced to take cover, pinned down and without support halfway inside a fortified location while medics desperately tried to treat the wounded within reach. Epic!

The icing on the cake, however, has to be PvP-tastic arrest of the Imperial Guard Lieutenant in charge of the advance. Apparently we had several snipers trained on the backs of our heads while leading him away at gunpoint. Hee hee.

Unfortunately said character isn't going to be around next event (event 4), and so rather than run the risk of diluting a beautifully tense situation by turning up without our new-found antagonists, we figured it might be a good plan to crew the next event. I eagerly await our inevitable demise at the hands of a platoon of Guardsmen, Astartes and various others when we return at event 5!

death unto darkness, mmm delicious heresy, event 3

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