May 04, 2006 23:36
When a human is first thrust into the world, it has no feeling of right or wrong. It just exists. The only way people know what is right and what is wrong is because of a long history of learning the results of certain actions. The reason flipping someone off is crude is because umpteenth years ago someone found it insulting. Fuck is vulgar and crude because some generation before us decided it to be.
Instead of truly being free to decide what I want to believe and what I want to do, I am bound to a certain path because of history.
I have a theory. If I were to raise a large group of children, and later foster a town from these children, they would work together and not bicker and fight. Although they would each be different, if they were never tought history, they wouldn't have need for governments or religion. They would exist in a peaceful homogenus bliss.
I think evil is created because people are tought different sides of history. A man is a traitor to his country, or he's a liberator to another group. A rich man is either a theif, or he's a philanthropist. History has so many facets and opinions that the only facts that can be tought are statistics. Causes and effects all depend on from whose point of view you're looking.
A history text book is just a compilation of opinions that one editor agreed to publish.
What if our government is doing the same thing the Chinese government is doing? What if certain events in our history have been altered nation-wide so that the truth is kept from everyone? History has taught us that this is very well capable of happening.
Or, what if the government is sending out false facts? Loose Change, a documentary about 9-11, goes in depth into a conspiracy theory that 9-11 could very well have been circumvented, with document proof and everything.
Just a last-minute complaint before my AP history test.