Sra's LJ Layout

Nov 06, 2005 13:18

I can safely say that Sra's layout is coming along perfectly. I have yet again borrowed coding, lol (I'll have to remind Sra to credit the lj user I got the coding from, in her personal info). I'm making Sra's up from Teh Boxer, which, from my views, is a very nice template. Opal and The Boxer are really my faves. ;)

I need to learn HTML so badly. I'll probably take a class over the summer. I would really love to be able to make my own custom layout. *drools over some of the bad!ass layouts she's seen on livejournal*


It's going to have a House and Grissom header pic, which she requested and I'm making. Gods, I can't wait for Sra to get her @$$ down here come X-Mas time... Then I can give her the present that will forever make her love me, b/c I am so rad. ^^

I'm thinking about changing my moodtheme now too... Sadly, however, I have bee unable to procure a Keanu-centric moodtheme. I found a Constantine one, but since I didn't do a Constantine layout, I'd rather have either a Matrix or just a plain Keanu moodtheme. Then again, I love The X-Files moodtheme I'm already using... I think I'll just stick with that for now... maybe..possibly.....I DON'T KNOW!! Argh...

Decisions, decisions.

I have to tell Aaron what I want him to get me for X-Mas. I've finally decided that I'll have him renew my paid user account, which will be about over by about X-mas time (I got it last January as a birthday present from mom). He doesn't have an online pay account so I'll tell him to give mom the money.

I'll also ask dad to get me additional space as my birthday or X-Mas gift. It looks expensive so I'll only ask for the 250 MB for a year purchase.

As for mom, I'm going to ask for one of those portable DVD players. The one I want is a little over $200, so I'll tell her it's okay if it's the only present I get for both my b-day and X-Mas this year (which it will most likely be). I'll also tell her that I'll chip in and pay for half of it with the little of my small inheritance I received last year.

So looks like my list for this year is as follows:


1.) Additional LJ space

2.) maybe an outfit or a couple of those rockwear t-shirts or that shirt I liked from the Alloy catalogue.

3.) DVD ripping software, so that I may finally use my Adobe Premiere Elements program.


1.) Renewal of LJ account


1.) Portable DVD player

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