I thought I'd play Path of Radiance for the first time in several years in the hopes that I could finally make some progress (especially since it's the only FE game I have, not counting Radiant Dawn, that I haven't made recent progress in) but then I wound up dooming Kieran to an inevitable death on the second turn. How frustrating!
Part of it was down to bad luck, since Kieran missed with the hammer when trying to kill the enemy knight, but it's still mostly my own fault for putting him in range of the nearby cavalier in the first place. Sorry, Kieran.
Marcia got a level-up without gaining any stats anyway, so it wasn't such a huge loss that I messed up this time. At least the screw-up happened early in the map and not after I was over halfway through it, unlike that one time way back when...
(This is chapter 11, by the way.)
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