Rome wasn't built in a day…

Nov 20, 2010 23:39

I looked in the mirror this morning and I see me. I have got wrinkles around my eyes and gray hair. My eye sight remain good in spite of my profession. Healthy heart beat from the last cardio. Facial hair is now tough to maintain. Thanks to Gillette. I think I have cleaned up good. lol...

Age is just a number my good friend Anita once said it to me ! And today I reach the dreaded thirty. If you are Indian you know what I mean. Why don't you settle many ask me nowadays… But I refuse to settle . I'm a rebel to the those who think, you have to do certain things at certain age.

If you are reading this, you are one of my friend, a co-worker, my family, a random stranger I met or we haven't met yet. Today I stand because of you. Because of your patience with me. You have a great role in sculpting me, chip by chip. So thank you, for all those wonderful human beings, to have put up with me with all the patience and it has been and it will be a pleasure to share this life with you, my friends.

A journey of thousand miles must begin with a single step. And I have lost count of my steps. Its a long journey, no wonder why my feet looks funny :) There were doors I walked out of and there were doors where I walked right in. Rules which were broken and rules which I have made.

The young are slaves to dreams; the old servants of regrets. And I fit right in the middle now. I have been a proud son to the wonderful woman in the world. A brothers keeper. And a good friend for those who were close to me. And when I fired my inline six, I know, my dad would be cheering me with his heaven mates saying "That's my son"

I took baby steps to reach here. I would rather be here than anywhere else.

So here's to me. Here's to you and here's to us.

thirty, life, birthday

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