music rant and compition announcment

May 15, 2005 07:37

i get this e-mail from these people wanting me to put my music on their web site.
this is what i would get:
i'd have to go with the free option for now, as i am not selling my music. (ok, i am trying to, but i am doing it dirt cheep) just look at a few of the "benifits" of having these people pimp me out:
1. Maximum MP3 submissions.
(maximum amount of uploaded mp3's) 5 (more then myspace, less then
2. Eligible for Featured Artist
(listed in Featured Artists section) NO (other projects i have done have made top download of the week)
3. Eligible for What's Hot
(front page exposure) NO (if i'm not hot, or fetured, then where exactly do i get exposure?)
4. Respond to fan mail
(Allows you the ability to respond directly to your fan mail) NO (WTF!!!!? without fans i'm nothing. well ok, i make the music for me, and people like it so i let them in on it too. but that is such bullshit that i cannot even answer a question from a fan, or any kind of contact)
5. Respond to reviews
(Allows you the ability to respond directly to your reviews) NO (so i guess i will have to take critisism and not talk with people about how to fix soemthing?)
6. Priority site support
(your support requests have priority) NO (so i take it if something goes wrong i'm fucked?)

yeah, allthough i am not a big fan of the page, ( think it will be the only place you can get my music for now. i do not like that site for a few reasons. first i cannot put up dirty pics. i do not see what the big deal is anyways, men have cocks, gurls have cunts, it's the way god made us. secound, i do not like how i cannot have more then four mp3s online at a time. third, i put up a track the other day and it is loaded to the site, shows up on my track listings in the settings.... but does not appear on the page that people see. fourth, it takes up to 24 hours for changes to be made, saved, uploaded, or anythiing! also i really fucking hate the autoplay feature. i thought i turned it off, but i was mistaken... there is no way to do it. i just hate clicking on a link, then music starts playing over the background tunes i was listing to via winamp.

on topic of me, (my ego is that big, deal) i'm currently looking for any extra dvd boxes, xbox boxes, or playstation 2 boxes that no one is using, or would mind donating to me. hmmm, lets make this interesting. for every person that sends me a dvd style box, i will give a free copy of my "best" of cd. (i plain on putting them in the boxes, so you would be getting one back. yes, if you send me the box, i'll put a disc in it and you got a free disc, after you pay postage... if you only send one box) (one per person) but if you send me more then ten, i'll include a poster of the box. more then twenty, you get all the above, autographed, and maybe a tee shirt or soemthing. fuck it, no one will probly do this, so... it'll be a one of a kind tee shirt. i'll make one, and no more, ever! and if there is some one out there that loves me enough to send in fifty, (50), boxes, i'll split what ever cash this release sees. i estimate that it will cost about seventy five cents or so to make a cd, and i'm looking to sell them for four or five bucks. (thats a doller fifty to you for every disc i sell.) (ok, i changed my mind about half, but a buck fifty per cd is a lot more then mainstream artists see when you buya fifteen doller cd at newbury comics.) i'm not doing this for the money, if i was, i probly wouldn't go far. wait, i mean i'm the greatest thing to happen to music since brittny spears stopped doing it.
this compitition ends, oh lets say fourth of july. the sooner you send me boxes, the sooner i can start selling them and giving you my "hard earned" money.
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