(no subject)

Jan 30, 2006 12:12

I am sick...I swear every time someone comes into my office sick...I get it. I used to be amune to everything but not anymore it seems. I went from getting sick maybe once a year to getting sick once a month. I am getting really tiard of this job. And, I am not making any money. There are too many brokers in NYC and too little apartments and it seems like everyone is always looking for an apartment that is unrealistic. People tell me what they want and I tell them I have that exact apartment...the perfect one for them but they have to be able to spend a $1,000 more because they expect to get some luxury huge one bedroom apartment in NYC for $2,000. And, people think NY brokers lie so people treat me like an asshole all the time. They aren't wrong though...most brokers do lie...I just try really hard to be truthful and optimistic.

Somebody brought up the Puerto Rican puppy project a few days ago. I hadn't thought about that in years. So, I decided to tell the story. It may exist in a previous post because I have had this thing forever but I don't remember it. So, here goes:

I went to Puerto Rico when I was 18 with an organization called CUCREJ. It works with innercity environmental protection and awareness in zone 3, which is NY, NJ, and Puerto Rico so we were at a business meeting there. Since my project as co-conference coordinator hadn't yet started, I got to go without having to attend the meetings. So, the first day there I went exploring. Just wandering around the resort I was at. They were building this villa and I heard a soft sort of crying and I couldn't find where it was comming from. They were laying pipes so I started following the ditches all around this villa and found 6 puppies that had fallen down into the foot deep trenches and coudln't get out. Each was no larger then my hand. I picked them all up and out of the trench and they ran around my feet and fell over them in happiness. So, I picked them all up and put them in the front of my shirt and moved about 60 feet away towards a shack. I sat down with them and was playing with them when the mother dog arrived. She was older and a little malnourished and just as happy to have someone to pet her as the pups were.

Later that afternoon I drove into town to pick up some dog and puppy food. I continued to feed them for the next few days and tried talking to the people that worked there about finding them homes and getting them fed. I be-friended one guy who told me that he really liked them and snuck them food sometimes but that there were so many wild dogs there that it was hard to help them at all. He also told me that the owner forbid anyone that worked there from feeding them...thinking that they would have to go somewhere else to get food and leave his resort. The owner had told them if they were cought helping the pups, he would fire them.

Then, the day before I left the mother dog was hit and killed by a car. I woke my mom (she was an independent consultant for the same organization) up and told her I wasn't leaving without the puppies. So, at 9am the day I was supposed to fly home I started calling around to find some help. I found a Vet that was on the way to the airport that had gone to school with my father and he decided that I could board them there for two months and that he would care for them until they were old enough to fly. I could only find 5 of the pups that morning and I remember being frantic trying to find the last one... So, I found my friend and asked him to find the last one and gave him the name of the vet. I asked him to please get the last puppy to the vet when he found it...and he did the next day!

After two months I paid a woman to pick them up at the vets office, buy carriers, and get them on an airplane bound for Philly. My mother and I picked them up, i got them a little more veterinary care, and I gave them away. That was my agreement with my parents, if they helped, I would have to give them all away and was absolutely not allowed to keep any of them. So, after $3,500, I saved 5 puppies (one died at the vets office) and got them all good homes in the US.

Yay for puppies!!!
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