Oct 06, 2004 09:20
I just had sociology and I swear my teacher is the oldest most senile teacher I have ever had. She is insane!! She keeps making statements like "the worst murder crimes are done by men who are straight who are really gay" and "Christians in the north east don't eat snake because it is not part of their religion." I am so not even joking or taking this out of context...I wrote it all down just to make sure. And we are all arguing with her the whole class period. She like has no idea what we are talking about and it makes me furious that she is standing there making those generalizations. She is going deaf and can't hear a word most of us are saying and hardly ever hears our questions right and lets add in that she told us to all go out and get whatever Intro to Sociology book we wanted. The one that is recomended in our sylabus doesn't have 1/2 the things she is talking about in there and then she grades me badly (well most of the class badly) on our first quiz because we based most of our test answers on what SHE said in class. She marked me wrong for something I wrote on my quiz that she had said in class...and I had written it word for word!!! So, I ask her about it in the middle of class and she says thats not what she meant and everyone looks at her like she is insane because they all have it in their notes too!! I know..I looked at other peoples notes! I am so pissed off right now. I want to switch this class to a class I will be able to understand what the teacher wants from us because this one is way too vague and hypritical...not to mention the random conclusive untrue statements about the general population.
LOTS OF GRRRRRRR...and I know Kathy is gonna be mad when I tell about this. I wanna bring her to class so she can fight with my teacher too because she is a sociology major.
I am getting straight As in all the rest of my classes so far...to the point where people in Color and Light are asking me to tutor them, 1/2 the people in my Macroeconomics class are trying to sit next to me to cheat on quizes and copy the notes I take (they told me this lol), and in Photography I am the "assistant." So, if I fucking get a C in this class I am gonna have a heart attack...its not my fault she can't remember what she tells us!
Ohhh and then LJ wont even let me log in....fucker