Finally posting some icons. For a while, it looked like I might not make any more. I still don't know if I'll participate in contests, though. A few of these may have been posted before, but I'm only posting my favorites of the old ones. BTW, if you use, I don't mind if you don't credit (I'd appreciate it, though), but don't claim it as your own. Comments are loved though, just so I can see what y'all think.
18 Xenosaga
3 Kingdom Hearts
Warning: One of the XS icons could be considered a spoiler, it concerns the identity of one of the testaments. You have been warned.
001 002 003
004 005 006
007 008 009
010 011 012
013 014 015
016 017 018
I'm not going to bother pointing out the Mod's picks. And my only excuse for the MOMO and Sakura (16, 17) pink ones is that I just wanted to make a few pink icons.
001 002 003
Created with
Icon Table Generator @
Bauble Two of the three were for the same lyrical icon contest. The song was "Nowhere Near" by Summercamp (from Digimon: The Movie).