Lets see with a name like Prithviraj R. Bhikha, what could go wrong

Mar 06, 2019 18:08

After establishing several overseas entities on his own, Bhikha was responsible for directing and approving Cisco contracts with those companies.

Сама новость достойна изрядного охуения - правда, только по американским меркам. Для тех, кто представляет себе реалии, например, расеянские - ваще нихера оригинального или даже примечательного, там ещё и не такие финты откалывают, и вовсе не на такие копеечные суммы.

Но самая мякотка не в этом. Мне стало интересно почитать тамошние комменты (reactions, под статьёй). И вот там-то я и охуел невозбранно. Ибо такой накал идеологии MAGA и даже вполне натурального расизма (по меркам левых мразей, естественно) сложновато найти на американских веб-ресурсах вообще где бы то ни было. А уж тем более - на Yahoo, имеющем более чем заметный лево-паскудный уклон. Где и комплект новостей подбирается явно "правильным" образом, и эти самые reactions, после любого более или менее значимого события, состоят в основном из бесконечной череды гениальных высеров на тему "и в этом тоже виноват пидорас Трамп, стране нужен другой Президент".

Ну чисто для примера (вдруг потрут):

So how much money did Cisco save by hiring this H1B import?

I've seen so much corruption coming from these H1-B alumni in corporate IT. It's extremely pervasive. They are brought by these corporations young and cheap on H1-B visa. Eventually they are being sponsored for green car permanent residency and meanwhile they grow thru corporate ranks. Once they are in position of power and influence you immediately start seeing shady things. kickbacks to vendors, setting up shoddy offshore "suppliers" typically run by their family members, nepotism and wholesale take over of entire IT departments by their compatriots.

Sounds like Cisco should have hired a US citizen named John Smith.

Cisco brings over people from India and they wonder why they not only steal the company blind but setup their own private money laundering service. So much for corporate direction at CISCO.

Prithviraj, also known as Steve.

Chakra pakra laqa laqa laqa laqa! Mr sir my friend

I think this is very common for Indian. My previous boss did the same thing. He laid off 50% of engineer department and outsource to his own company in India. The company caught him because he forgot to remove his name from company profile.

Cisco at one time when using Americans as employees was a great company, but greed always over comes good management and what goes around comes around !!!!!!!!!!

Waiting for Gupta?

It is called Outsourcing to India. This is not something New. Employment Americans and they will not Outsource!

Got his H1B1 visa and then his green card and that wasn't enough. Hope he gets the 20 years.

Hey Cisco , how's that Diversity working out for you ?

Greedy CISCO was trying to save 3% on payroll hiring foreigners.

Lets see with a name like Prithviraj R. Bhikha, what could go wrong.

Judge might dismiss the case for not being able to pronounce the name

Not surprised at all,,,,his name speaks volumes to the culture of who he is and we all know

Cisco got what it deserved. Maybe Cisco should try hiring American's for once.

He is probably known as John when answering calls.

Serves them right for not hiring an American.

well - I remember an article from Cisco's CEO several years back where he abandoned US workers in favor of the Indian workers - Looks like it's paying off for him.

Yep, cheaper labor from India...always a good idea!!

H1B just doing the Jobs Americans won't?

I remember last fall (2018) another Pakistani Muslim employee of Cisco was caught for similar fraud. He hired/ awarded IT projects to vendors ( his wife) and milked millions of dollars. Yahoo published that story too.

Clap Clap, Outsourced workers working out great for these us companies.

My experience with people from India is they have little ethics

There are cultures where cheating is considered ok as long as you don't get caught. This is true for school and work. India and China are both like that.

hey hey hey another H1 worker. Comcast, Verizon has a ton of them to arrest. Their capabilities over exaggerated and India show piece technical achievement was blustered by Pakistan in the Air and in the Sea. A lot of middle manager around the Nation take part in the corruption to hire these consultants. President should speed up the process to send them back and revoke citizen ship to their anchor babies. All from the start of Y2K fake issue.

Короче, охуеть, натуральный фошыстский шабаш трампистов в красных кепках с буквами "MAGA". На откровенно левацком сайте.

Я что-то пропустил, никак, пока ковырялся в датацентре? В Яхе сменилось руководство? "Расизм" (намеренно в кавычках) стал официальной политикой? За слово "diversity" стали, наконец-то, расстреливать на месте?

Или местный народ таки реально начинает умнеть, трезветь и избавляться от лево-либерального пиздоватизма?

Update: Бля, с Yahoo натурально что-то случилось. Следующая же заметка, там же: Dow’s Disastrous Week Gets Worse after Bloomberg & Clinton Concede to the Bernie Bros. И там линк на статью в CCN (не путать с CNN, не к ночи будет помянут), в которой английским по белому сформулировано: "Демократы теперь ставят на дряхлого пидараса-марксиста и на юную безмозглую пизду - и это означает неминуемый долговременный пиздец для фондового рынка".

Что происходит?!

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