I'm sure I've used that blog title before. And I'm sure I've posted about
the uncanny valley before. But Semagic is failing me on both counts, which is ironic if you think about it. More and more existence seems to be a web of deja vu, spin and vaguely remembered conversations in dreams.
Anyway, the uncanny valley was a note in the massive jumble of brain-farts that is the file bum.txt on my android phone. I remember putting it on there recently, after we'd taken teh sprog to see Cars 2 at the cinema. I'm turning into an old fart, I can no longer discern whether backgrounds in animated films are actual footage of cities or rendered reconstructions. As the cities in question are ones I've never been to, they may even be simulacra. I have no effing idea at times what is actually existant and what is some projected holographic illusion probably created by The Man. Who may be a holographic projection of Another Man entirely.
I think too much about this stuff, I appreciate that. But it seems to be bothering other people too. I read a good article on Wired recently about the representation of post-apocalyptic Washington DC in Fallout 3, and how it felt to see such a realistic anrealism on a computer screen. And that led me to this article:
http://steelweaver.tumblr.com/post/8175553314/reality-as-failed-state-tl-dr-version-i-like-doing This is why I'm having a mental backlash against news and politics at the moment. It hurts my brain trying to decipher the layers of potential bullshit.
And I keep having this disconcerting moment when I read a headline and have to remember that it's September, not April the 1st. These guys really are seriously peddling snake-oil:
http://www.groupon.co.uk/deals/bristol/skin-chemists/884992?nlp&CID=UK_CRM_1_0_0_262&a=15 Is there no irony left in the world, or am I just beached on a reef of constantly finding everything a bit strange?