Book review - Shattered: Modern motherhood and the illusion of equality (Rebecca Asher)

May 30, 2011 20:13

Random grab time. This book's selling point is that it is *very* newly published, as in post-Coalition, and obviously I'm interested to see how the bastards screw me personally over their policy effects on women and mothers.

It was good. It actually voiced some of the concerns and issues that even as a well-off mother in a modern family set-up, still pissed me off. And were difficult to voice without feeling like a bitch because, well, we are all equal now and everything. I'd get a copy of this for first-time mums. Far better than the Contented Little Baby Book, which is just a fascistic patronising piece of drivel.

Hopefully the Tory Bastards will remove all my cash before Gina Ford sues me...

book review

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