Weekly Chicken #1

Jul 05, 2015 14:26

In theory, I've done these before on another blog, but as this is a new start, and the first time I've attempted a Chicken here on LJ, I'm starting at #1. I'm working with my own set of review questions, which are definitely a work in progress and liable to change over time. See Havi's posts at The Fluent Self for the origin of the term "Weekly Chicken".)

Weekly Planning

How many things got planned and then marked out/changed on your schedule and to-do list? Why?
-- Many things ... okay, well, huh. Not as many as I thought, actually, looking back over it. It felt like more. Barre classes, for one thing. Those got moved because I was too tired and too sore and too "migraine-y" to face the thought of them. (I did make it to Yoga though!) Pushing them off will make it harder to go back, I know this, but that just makes me dread it more. Most of the other other things were the mental equivalent of those classes (weekly reviews, blogging, and writing), and the answer to why? I was just too damn tired. And sore. And just kind of a mental zombie. I haven't been getting enough sleep or drinking enough water, and I've been eating too many carbohydrates (and almost-kind-of-sort-of the wrong kinds).

How did your morning and evening routines (and/or daily checklists) do?
During the work week, a remarkable amount of the morning routine happened. (I wrote them in in rainbow colors, I think that helped.) It went off the rails during the long weekend, but meh, that was to be expected. The things that didn't happen seemed to primarily be the water (I have no excuse), conditioning my hair (directly related to having really painful torn nail most of the week - talk about things you don't want to get conditioner on, OW!), and not posting in the Coffee Break thread on Rav (which goes back to not sleeping enough to feel like it or remember in the mornings). The injury has resolved itself, I need to make sure that I put water on the bedside table so that I have it first thing this week, and I need to start eating breakfast at my desk at home (maybe stick a post-it on my computer) so I think of posting. And of course GET MORE SLEEP.

The evening routine was a pretty big disaster. Culprit the first (besides exhaustion) is not checking in with my planner when I get home to remind myself what I want intended to do. It's been a lot of come home, crash on the couch, plan to go to bed early, not actually go to bed early, or go to bed and then stay awake and read, all while not doing anything housework or prep-related. Also watching a lot of Netflix.

Things to try this week: come home, put my planner out (open!) on the desk, take care of whatever needs to happen in the kitchen (pretty much from start to finish), eat dinner, and immediately brush my teeth and wash my face and do the bulk of my evening routine first before I sit down with fic or a book or a show. I've also rejiggered the list just a little bit and added in blogging and writing (I'm doing NaBloPoMo and CampNaNo, so maybe there won't even be the chance to get sucked into anything. Maybe in the later half of the week I'll add in just one episode of X-Files or something. I'll have a better sense of that once I get my weekly planning done.

What were the highlights of the week/what am I grateful for?
SENSE8. GRACE & FRANKIE. NETFLIX MAKES ART, PEOPLE! (seriously, if you're not watching these shows, you absolutely should do so, asap. There are links to trailers below, which are great, but don't even begin to touch on how awesome these stories are.
Getting to spend time w/ Brian in the evenings.
Chatting w/ my BFFs and my Co-Pilot all week. Sometimes it's the little things that can turn your whole day around, and I'm extremely grateful for our modern, connected world.
Fic Updates (see below for specifics)
Getting compliments on my completed socks on instagram from the designer, and my pic getting used on the main pattern page on Ravelry.

Also, this:

This Week's Links / Fandom Musings / Creative/Created Things

The Light Bulb Critical thinking in regards to media and storytelling done right. An excellent, excellent podcast by funny, engaging hosts about all aspects of story and fandom. I ran through several episodes this week, all of them were absolute gold.

Rachel & Miles X-Plain the X-Men: This week, a look at the Mojo-verse and subtext. ;) Excellent as always, and what gets me out the door and into my car on Monday mornings.

All fic is from AO3 unless otherwise noted. I don't get out much.

Change Can Do A Soul Good by AndreaLyn (One year later, Hernando and Lito visit San Francisco to attend Pride and to meet Nomi in person.) Rated M/NSFW, Lito/Hernando and Nomi/Amanita (mild spoilers)

Delicacies of the Soul by AndreaLyn (Hernando plans the menu for their wedding meticulously and with great devotion to all the parts that make up Lito's new world.) Rated T, Lito/Hernando, mentions of Riley/Will (mild spoilers)

us, yesterday, apart, in the twilight by eudaimon (In Berlin, in Bombay, he is watching her dance. Kala and Wolfgang move closer. It's inevitable, really.) Rated E/NSFW, Kala/Wolfgang (mild spoilers)

nor need we power or splendor by shellybelle (C/L/N epic of backstory and going forward from here) Rated M/NSFW, (major spoilers for Age of Ultron)

Jurassic World
A Little Bit of Trouble by karategal (His front door had a hole in it.
Owen had a feeling that he knew who was responsible for it, but that didn't change the fact that his door had a dog-sized hole in it. Not to mention the busted window and shredded couch on his porch. You know, this was what happened to your personal property when you became a father-figure to four naughty, misbehaving, and ridiculously intelligent Velociraptors.) Rated T, (no real spoilers / canon-divergent)

Sense8 (Season 1) - Netflix
Beautiful concept trailer:

image Click to view

General overview trailer:

image Click to view

Character Trailers (the voice-over and title cards are a little repetitive, because it's a stitched-together cut of all 8 of the individual character trailers, but it's a fantastic overview of who everyone is to get your interest piqued.):

image Click to view

8Tracks Playlists:
Riley Blue [1/8]
Will Gorski [6/8]
Nomi Marks [7/8]
Kala Dandekar [8/8]
all by Madonna Fiammetta who makes fantastic lists!

Grace & Frankie (Season 1) - Netflix

image Click to view

X-Files (Season 1: "Pilot", "Deep Throat", "Squeeze", "Conduit", "The Jersey Devil", "Shadows", "Ghost in the Machine", "Ice", "Space", "Fallen Angel", "Eve", "Fire", "Beyond the Sea")

Things I Made (knitting, art, writing, etc)
I finished my aforementioned Strie socks from Lara Neel's Sock Architecture in Knit Picks Stroll "Sapphire Heather":

I started "Therapy" by Laura Aylor in Dragonfly Fiber's Dance Rustic Silk in "That Ol' Chestnut" and "Cognac":

I started working on CampNaNo July 2015, likely focusing on the C/L/N soul bond AU (possibly with some Nat&Tony thrown in). My focus this time is getting back in the rhythm and habit of writing more than finishing a concrete story.

And Finally...
Fourth of July was observed last weekend due to remodeling (flooring and painting) happening at the Burrow. Instead of directly observing the Fourth, I spent the weekend attempting to rest and relax (with varying success). I did listen to the annual reading of the Declaration of Independence, though. (It makes me cry, every time.)
And also some notes on the language therein.

podcasts, sense8, camp nano jul2015, knitting, fanfiction, updates done badly, avengers, politics matter, weekly chicken, fanmixes, jurassic world, grace & frankie

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