Kind of Blissful Saturday

Jul 06, 2013 19:59

Well, in a manner of speaking. I suppose the "perfect" Saturday would involve sitting in a perfectly cleaned home of my own with the rest of my roommates out the door while I sit in the sunshine through the window and move from listening to my music with words pouring out perfectly onto the page to a spot of knitting while watching all of the awesome things.

I'm not doing that.

But I am at my bff's house hanging out, listening to music (not necessarily what I would pick, but not bad either and I really need to own some E.S. Posthumus of my own now, plz), and writing about 2000-5000 words of Camp NaNo (mostly Hawkeye stuffs) while outside it's pleasantly cool and green and rainy. The rain makes everything kind of glow lush and green outside, it's fantastic. (It is not so fantastic for the areas that have had some flooding, but overall the local water tables and farmers say thank you. Last year, we couldn't even grill hot dogs on the back deck because there was a drought so hot and dry there was a ban on. This year, you need a canoe and waders to get from the door to the car. Welcome to Tennessee.)

I'm also trying to decide which afghan to crochet next and in what colors, and if I want to try any kind of 30 or x-many Days Challenge. (I found a whole long list on Tumblr, including a sketching one that I'm intrigued by.)

Oh, and somehow I had missed that Power Pack has had a resurgence and been doing mini-series with all sorts of other Marvel characters over the last 8 years. WTF and WHY DIDN'T I KNOW THIS? I'm even more in love with the Marvel Digital Comics store/app than I was before, and I know what I'm going to be reading this summer. God I love Power Pack. I've loved Power Pack since I was four. :D And the Katie (Powers, not Bishop) & Logan friendship is one of the sweetest things ever and ever.

Oh! And I discovered and it is fantastic. :D EXACTLY what I have been wanting/needing for fanmixes!

crocheting, hawkeye comic, clint/kate, life, music, knitting, power pack, fanfiction, marvel, camp nano jul2013

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