What am I doing?

May 24, 2012 23:05

What am I *even* doing?

I'm obsessing about Avengers, that's what I'm doing. (I also read/saw Hunger Games - yes I *KNOW* I'm way the hell behind on that particular bandwagon, sigh.) BUT AVENGERS!

It does not hurt matters one bit that songs and idea and themes I used to use for Pilots happen to fit just as well (if very differently) on Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov (ie, Hawkeye/Black Widow).

I am in shipper heaven, I tell you. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!

(This is the time on sprockets when we a. start making all the notes in the world because coincidentally CampNaNoWriMo starts in a week. THERE IS GOING TO BE MASSIVE CLINT/NATASHA FIC FROM THIS PEOPLE!)

(This is also the time on sprockets when we b. try and get all the friends/fans/writers we know - I'm looking at ez_as_pi and serendipityxxi among others - to join in.)

If you've not seen the movie yet? It's kind of like Pilots and the (LotS) Mord Sith and MSR had a really frakked up fandom OTP baby - the tension and the best-of-the-best-team-up and the trust issues and the angst/trauma all rolled up into one amazing package.

The rest of the Avengers are pretty awesome, too. ;)

I have stuff on my Tumblr and will upload whatever I write at my AO3 - I have no idea what or where else to fan these days. (This is causing me great angst and consternation.

Oh, and I'm also on Google+, here.


In other news, life has been busy and crazy and I-don't-even-know. Since I'm not sure what to tell you, you should ask me questions in the comments and I will try to answer them. Also please tell me what's been going on with you! I hibernated, because of lack of computer access and even more lack of energy/willpower/I don't even know but I've really missed everyone. :( I didn't mean to be away for so long.

life, clint/natasha, legend of the seeker, x-files, avengers 2012, fanfiction, shippers, updates done badly, kara/lee

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