Ok, I promised my own response to the "What are you watching?" prompt I gave earlier, so here it is:
In no particular order...
Battles BC: Because my husband is a history geek, and I'm a documentary/geek-tv geek. Hee! Also, it's gorgeous and fun.
Jon & Kate + 8: I must have my weekly dose of cute - and they have teh cute! ::love::
Eleventh Hour: I am 'shipping Jacob/Rachel. Also, Jacob hits all my "tall, dark, and brilliant" buttons. The cases are interesting too, and I like the story-telling style and pace.
House: Snark love! I'm not watching the new stuff, but am watching the reruns on USA. It's brilliant character writing, acting, and development.
Babylon 5: We're finishing up the rewatch of the series (we're on season 5). Many things make me twitchy, but overall it's enjoyable.
Rachel Maddow: She's hysterical. And brilliant. Also left of center, which is good for me.
Stargate: Atlantis: This is my favorite of the Stargates thus far. I 'ship Sheppard/Weir, Ronon/Teyla (why is there not more fic of them?!) and love McKay to death, as well as Beckett.
CSI: Miami: I <3 Calleigh/Eric. I don't like the cases on this one as well as some of the others, though. But I've been an Emily Proctor fan since she was on West Wing.
CSI: I admit to being on the fence about Grissom leaving, but I have got to say that I really, really like Lawrence Fishburn's character. I think of all three, I like the cases on the original CSI the most, and I know just enough about previous seasons to know that I want to go back and watch the Miniature killer eps.
CSI: New York: I used to avoid it (kind of weird considering I love Melina Kanakaredes) but sometime earlier this year I started to really like the characters. I honestly couldn't tell you why. Which is not to say that they're unlikable, just that I'm not sure what changed. I am a very happy Danny/Lindsay 'shipper, of course, and I think I'm also 'shipping Stella/Mac.
Paranormal State: Haunted stuff! Yay! (What I also occasionally refer to as "stupid human tricks" - though that description fits better with "Scariest Places on Earth" than Paranormal State.)
The Mentalist: I like watching Patrick and Teresa banter. It's also fun to watch Patrick mess with people's heads.
NCIS: I'm sorry, is there a reason *not* to love NCIS? Ziva is my favorite character (yes, I'm all Tony/Ziva, like you didn't see that one coming), followed closely by Abby and then everybody-else-and-the-dog(s). In all seriousness though, the writing is excellent (most of the time. They're a little shaky about some things (like Tony) this season.) the cinematography is great, as is the use of music and lighting and the direction. My very favorite thing of all is how the characters interact with each other, and it makes me want outsider-POV fic very, very badly.
A Haunting: I am a junkie for the paranormal. I love hearing the backstory and trying to figure out the mystery to a place/happening/etc. Plus I like the voice-over narration. The re-enactment occasionally leaves something to be desired, however.
Numb3rs: I keep wandering away from and then back to this one. I love it - because hey, math geekiness, Charlie and both adorable and hot, as is Amita, and the characters are fun to watch together. But it doesn't quite grab me enough to keep me glued to it every week.
L&O: SVU: Mariska Hargitay is one of those people who I'll watch just about anything she's in. Also, like all the Law and Orders, I'm usually intrigued by the cases. This one has more character-driven interest for me, though. (CI would have as much, if they had Goren and Eames in all the eps, but they don't, so it doesn't quite.)
L&O: CI: Goren fascinates me. That about sums it up.
Dollhouse: I'm... still on the fence (though I really liked this week's ep.) As serendipityxxi mentioned, because the characters "change" from week to week, I haven't really been able to attach myself to anyone yet.
I have slacked off in regards to Law and Order, Bones and Battlestar Galactica. BSG is for previously mentioned reasons, and Bones is mostly because Brian stopped being interested and didn't want to watch it, so I didn't fool with it. I have every intention of catching it on DVD. Recent seasons of L&O haven't really grabbed me.
I have been told that I must start watching Legend of the Seeker (I'm hesitant because I hate the books, but willing to give it a try), and I want to get my hands on Merlin. L&O: UK is waiting for me awesome. I will watch Burn Notice eventually, but Brian wants to start at the beginning so it's going on our NetFlix list. I am eagerly awaiting the new season of In Plain Sight. I love Mary McCormack and for some reason it reminds me of Silk Stalkings.
I also have realized that I MUST WATCH CASTLE.