Sep 24, 2004 14:09
Well here i am sitting around really hot for some reason also hurting from the gym i joined yesterday with kurt it was fun till i started to feel it hurt *lol* but hey its the price to pay i have to push myself to looking better im not happy the way iam right now and the only thing I can do is change it ....this is something i have to do myself i cant say to someone "oh hey get me in shape" wish it could work like that but it dont..anywho i get to go to work at 6 yay wht fun right...wrong... i get to close to meaning im there till 12am =( but w/e money is money and i need it..kind of..but tommarow i should be goin to the gym around 8am till about 11 come home shower and sleep till i have to go back to work on sat at 4 but then i get out at 9 so thts not toooooooo bad..mayb with all the tips i get this week ill go get my tat =) i think im ready for a new one =p but we will see wht happenes i guess..but im off cuz i need to do wash and other ppls wash ;) *wink* wink* anywho ill update more then i normal do i hope..xoxo