Aug 29, 2002 00:39
ok but if we really want to get technical here no matter what method of birth control used (even barrier types) they are all bad.
I say this because all forms of birth control prevent the natural cycle of life and act as a human control over god's will.
So everyone run for the hills cuz satan is comming up from hell and we are all going to fry for our crimes.
Now that that is out. I think if you decide to be prolife and be religious in a faith that believes that the blocking of seed or aborting of tissue is a sin that you should simply not have sex. For that matter you should not even masturbate as that also is a waste of seed (but girls don't you worry as your egg does not fall out if you double click your mouse once in a while).
I personally don't care and after seeing what can happen when a rh- and rh+ couple gets together and try to have a kid I would rather people have kids when they are darn ready. BT W I lost a child due to rh- and rh+ blood mix.