Jan 26, 2007 17:34
If you are like me and in your late 20's or early 30's I am sure you can think back and cite instance after instance of how the world has changed for the worse. Do you realize that only 35% of Americans are listed as Bible reading Christians? A number which threatens to be lower than 4% in 50 years, should the trend continue? And do you realize that our children live in a world where 1 in 5 people has seriously thought of suicide, 1 out of 10 has been raped, a new person gets an STD every 8 hours, and there are no less than 140,000 instances per year of sexual advertising in magazines, tv and radio that is not rated for adults. And by all of todays standards that is "OK"?? Well it is not OK! It's wrong and we all know it's wrong. We've known right and wrong since the day we were born, we just chose to forget it, but we don;'t have to remain that way. Like me, anyone can say "I was wrong!"
I think worry enters the minds of some people, thinking that I will judge them and their lifestyle. I will not, but I believe that one day God will. And as a friend I would much prefer to make those that I care for a little annoyed or even angry now, than know what will come of them later if I do not act. I understand a person cannot force their beliefs onto a person, and cannot force a person to change, but I fully believe that a person can and should aid others in seeing what they may not have noticed, or thought of on their own.
Let me pose the question, "would you rather be told you are doing something wrong, or find out you have done something wrong?" Think about the wording carefully before you answer. An example might be, there in your home with your family and loved ones nearby, a fire breaks out. Quickly you run and grab a bucket of kerosene to put it out, and someone yells "Oh please don't do that, that's not the right thing to do!" Would you rather throw the fuel and find out you were wrong? It's that drastic! I'm not being overly simplistic with my question. Our world in which we live our life is not a all there is. And to sit back and watch people who I care about do the wrong thing, and to know that they may not realize their mistakes until it is too late, well that thought makes me very upset and sad.
So, it's not a matter of me judging you, or condemning you. It's a matter of loving you, and wanting you to be safe and with your family and loved ones in the eternal heaven promised to you by God! And if I need to annoy a little bit, then I will. Because his love is so bountiful that once you truly feel it upon you, you just have to share it. And once you feel it, there is no question at all as to whether it is right or wrong.