An interesting afternoon to say the least.
I was on my way (in our second vehicle) to the Chrysler dealership to pick up my car, which had been worked on today. Because of the layout of the road, I had to overshoot the dealership, turn around in a restaurant parking lot, and come back the other direction to get to the mechanic. As I was going through the restaurant's lot, an SUV passed me with its front wheel sticking about 8 inches farther out at the bottom than the top. The driver obviously knew something was wrong so he pulled into a parking spot and got out. When he saw what it looked like i thought he was gonna throw up. I offered him a ride and took him home. Hey, it was 10 minutes and saved him about an hour of walking. My good deed for the day.
Then I went to Chrysler to pick up my car. Good as new. Well, the car's not exactly good as new, but the part I took it in for is. And it seems that the quote they gave me over the phone included tax. That was a nice surprise. Either that or it just cost less than they expected. Either way, it was nice.
So I took the car home. As I got close to the building I noticed that in keeping with their usual routine of doing annoying things to us tenants, the building management had put up caution tape across one of the driveways to the parking lot. I guess they were repaving it or something. For the last few days the garage door to the underground parking was out of service, meaning that there were about 40 spots (normally for visitors) that had to serve for about 500 apartments. That or we could wait outside the "exit" door and when someone came out from the underground parking, we could rush as many cars as possible in before the door closed. Lots of fun.
Anyway, the caution tape was a bit of an annoyance. I also noticed about seven cars parked together on the street, which was weird because it's a no-parking street. And they were all Chevy Impalas (or is that Impalae? I'm not sure). All of a sudden, I realized they were all unmarked police cars. Another look at the building and I realized that the visitor parking was full of police cars, police vans, and even the mobile forensics lab RV. So it wasn't caution tape after all, it was police line strung up all over the place. There were uniformed police everywhere, plainclothes detectives taking statements, investigators with metal detectors combing the grass, and one of the tenants' cars had a tent over it to keep the rain off and two guys in sterile suits and paper masks were going through it with tweezers and fingerprint brushes.
Apparently one of the other tenants in the building was murdered today. I know, for my American friends this is no big deal. You guys are used to being able to set your watch to seeing your neighbors shot (Oh I keed, I keed) but around here it's about as common as Ashton Kucher winning an Oscar.
From what I've heard, the shooter's plate number was picked up by witnesses and police saw him on the highway in Toronto. Took 5 cars to box him in and he was shooting at the cops as they were trying to stop him.
it's in the news: And of course I had to run outside and take pictures!
First, from the balcony:
And then from the ground:
Please excuse the lack of consistency in the pics. They were all taken the same size but for some reason Photobucket likes to resize some but not others.